In Your Life... After Ten Years

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Alec's POV
"The door can't magically open, Alexander!" Robert shouted. "Why do I have to be the open to it?!" I shouted, earning a slap.
"Because you're useless!"
I hissed, but went to open the door anyway. "Lily," I spoke. "Hey.. what happened?" Lily asked, concerned.
"Don't worry about it. Come in"
"I'm fine, Lily, really"
Lily sighed before walking inside. "What is a vampire doing here?!" Robert yelled. "I came to help?" Lily asked, unsure.
"I called for the high warlock, not a vampire!"
"Magnus Bane hasn't even been involved with the Nephilim in ten years, so"
"And whose fault is that?!"
Robert glared at me and I put my head down, knowing I would get an intense beating soon. "Leave, vampire!" Robert spat. "Fine, guess you really don't need help," Lily muttered before walking back out. Robert smiled evilly at me before pushing me against a wall hard and started punching me. I screamed as I struggled to get out of his grasp.

Two days later

Magnus's POV
"Finally, about time!" Robert hissed. "You threatened me, sir," I growled, even though I knew that it wasn't only the reason I came. I mostly came to teach Alexander a lesson as much as possible until I was satisfied with hurting him to know the pain that I was suffering. Knowing Jace was dead, it was going to be way easier. "Good that I did," Robert spat. "Is Alexander in his room?" I asked, impatient.
"Why? Are you going to make love to him?"
"No, sir. I'm going to beat him up"
"Yes, he's in his room. And, Magnus?"
"Make sure to do it badly"
I grinned. "Absolutely," I replied.

Izzy's POV
I could hear screaming from my brothers room, but didn't think much about it. Suddenly it stopped. I watched as Magnus walked out with a smile on his face, making me smile. If only I known what he actually did.

One day later

Alec's POV
Robert watched me like a hawk as we ate dinner awkwardly. Izzy looked at me in concern, but I just shook my head and smiled through the pain. Magnus was right beside me, holding my hand way too tightly that it would for sure leave marks, especially since he wouldn't stop anytime soon. "So... Elizabeth is threatening you, correct?" Robert asked me. "Correct," I replied.
"Make her stop"
"I'm trying, Robert!"
"Try harder!"
"It's not easy... with the head vampire after you"
Izzy looked at me sadly before returning to her meal. "You sound like this has happened before," Robert hissed. "It has," I replied.
"And you didn't think to report it to the Clave?!"
"I couldn't..."
"And why the hell not?!?"
"The particular vampire threatened to kill all the people I cared about!"
"You should've let him to do exactly that"
I rolled my eyes and almost sighed in relief when Magnus pulled his hand away. "Alec, are you okay?!" Izzy asked, pointing out the blood bruises. "I'm f-fine. Nothing a iratze can handle," I lied. "You'll need more than a iratze tonight, Alexander," Magnus whispered evilly in my ear. My breathing slowly got out of control until both Robert and Magnus kicked my legs, hard. Izzy didn't even seem to notice. Finally, dinner was finished. I ran quickly to my room, shutting the door behind me. The door opened, making me uneasy as I heard the clicking of the lock. "On your knees, Alexander. Shirt off," Magnus demanded while summoning a whip. Not wanting to get in trouble, I did what I was told. As every slash came on my back, I flinched until I got used to it. I couldn't scream anymore as Magnus was forced to gag me when it became too loud. I could feel the blood dripping on my back, making tears fall. "You're so pathetic," Magnus whispered, kneeling in front of me. I glared at him, earning five punches. "Get up! On the bed!" Magnus hissed. I almost fell back down when I struggled to do what I was told. Magnus laughed before pouncing. "You know, the worst thing I can do to hurt you is doing what I'm about to do," Magnus smirked. My eyes widened as my hands, waist, and ankles got tied. "But.. I'm not going to do it tonight," Magnus whispered before snapping his fingers, moving us to another place. "You're going to know what it feels like to be hurt soon enough," Magnus laughed.

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