We Just Can't

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Alec's POV
Three months have passed since Magnus broke up with me and I was still heartbroken. It wasn't until he came to the Institute with Catarina, Sophie, and Eric to stay for about eight years. "Alec! They're here!" Izzy exclaimed walking into my room. "Izzy, I don't care and I need to finish my makeup!" I sighed.
"Since when did you wear makeup? You haven't worn it since you were younger"
"I feel comfortable in it. And besides, it's always made me happy"
"I can help you if you want"
Thirty minutes later, the makeup was complete. I sighed and walked out only to witness a random couple kissing heatedly. I cleared my throat making them stop and blush. "You must be Alexander," the female exclaimed. "I go by Alec," I commented. "Sophie, don't scare him off," the male -who I recognized as Eric- said.
"Sophie Lauren?"
"The one and only," Sophie spoke. "Nice to meet you," I replied with a smile.
"You too"
I said my goodbyes before running to the training room but ran into someone in the process causing him to fall. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, trying to help him to his feet. "Don't ducking touch me, Alexander!" Magnus shouted, getting up himself.
"You know Magnus, you can't hate me forever"
"Watch me"
With that, Magnus stormed off causing me to fall since he left too fast. I sighed and pulled myself up only to fall again because of my hand injury. I groaned in pain as it started to burn before my eyes closed leaving me in darkness.

A few hours later

Jace's POV
"Have you tried healing him?" Catarina asked. "We've tried everything. Iratze and warlock power," I answered.
"Does it burn often?"
"No but it is a side effect"
I heard movement causing me to look over only to see Alec with his eyes open. "What happened?" Alec asked. "Your injury was burning badly," I admitted.
"I wish it would actually heal"
"Does it feel it's getting worse?" Cat asked. "Yes," Alec answered simply.
"What happened?"
"We honestly don't know. It was okay for one day then the next day there was an injury"
"I'll have to examine it to see what's going on and why it's not healing"
"I have a theory," Eric spoke walking through the door with Sophie. "Sophie, go get Magnus. He might be the only one to figure this out," Catarina admitted. Sophie nodded and walked out.
"It's a possibility Alec might be turning into a warlock"
"Is that even possible?" I asked with a gasp while Alec covered his mouth with his uninjured hand. "It's happened about five times but the most recent one was 35 years ago," Eric replied. "I don't understand," Alec spoke.
"It's complicated, Alec. Just talking about it will take years"
"Magnus won't come," Sophie stated with a sigh. Not even a few seconds later, Magnus walked in. "I never said that, Sophie. What's the problem?" Magnus asked. "That's why I sent Sophie to get you. You might be the only one to figure out this injury," Catarina answered.
"How did he get hurt?"
"He doesn't know. It just appeared"
"It can't be"
"What is it?" Alec asked, impatiently. Magnus just glared at him before taking a deep breath. "You have warlock blood. You'll turn half warlock by the end of this week," Magnus replied. "I knew it!" Eric exclaimed. "Wait, what does that mean for Alec?" I asked.
"He'll have to leave the Institute and you won't be his parabatai anymore"
"What?!" Alec asked. "It's just the way it is, Alec," Eric sighed. "Eric, where will he go? The Institute is Alec's home," I stated.
"I meant after we leave then he'll have to stay with one of us"
"So you, Sophie, or Cat then"
"What's going on with my brother?" Izzy asked. "He's turning into a warlock. Well, he'll be half warlock anyway," Magnus answered. "Wait, will Alec still be mortal after the change?" I asked. "No," Eric replied.
"So why won't his injury heal?"
"It won't heal because that will be where his warlock mark would possibly be"
"Will it be healed after the change?" Alec asked. "Partially. You will have to heal it with magic after the change is complete," Eric replied.

Time skip to the end of the week

Alec's POV
I sighed as I finished my last touch of makeup. "I thought you looked different," a voice spoke making me jump and turn around. Magnus was leaning on the door with his hands crossed. "You didn't notice? I'm surprised for someone who wears makeup every single day," I teased.
"I honestly didn't pay attention"
"Why are you talking to me?"
"I've been sent to stay with you until the transformation is complete and healing your injury, that is all"
I frowned. "That's it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Alexander, I wouldn't even talk to you if I had the choice," Magnus snapped.
"I'm just stating the truth"
"Yeah. All because I made a huge mistake"
"I still love you, you know"
"Then forgive me! Give me another chance!"
"No! Alexander, you wanted to shorten my life! You chose to go to Camille instead of talking to me about it! You betrayed me, Alexander, and that's unforgivable"
"I want you in my life, Magnus. I told you I was sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't cut it! I want you in my life as well but we just can't get back together. I'm sorry"

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