A Victim

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This is more of an Alec one-shot. Basically, Alec is bullied for his sexuality and how each grade differed

7th grade, Alec's POV

Today was the day I came out to my family that I was gay only resulting in getting beaten badly by my father and adopted brother. My sister was the one holding me down to allow the beating to take place and my mom was just laughing while hitting me once in a while. It was Jace who told the entire school about my sexuality resulting in getting bullied mostly by my siblings and their friends which I allowed them to do whatever they pleased. I sighed staring in my locker before I was pushed in. I turned around to face Izzy laughing before grabbing me by the waist and shoved me inside.

8th grade, Alec's POV

The bullying only has increased by other classmates and still I stayed silent. The abuse at home was almost as bad as the beatings in school. Almost every single day, I was at least beaten once or a simple slap, punch, or kick.

High school, Alec's POV

Because of my boyfriend, we both have gotten bullied but he didn't seem to mind as he was also used to it. I was the one mostly getting beaten and he was the one mostly getting insulted. I was safe with him and that was all that mattered.

College, Alec's POV

The bullying finally decreased as my boyfriend and I were separated by the tormenters. Finally we had peace and I couldn't even be happier.

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