Soul Mates

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No one said anything would be easy except if you were in a relationship with your soulmate and that was not entirely true for Alec's case. "Alec Lightwood, will you marry me?" Peter asked. Alec gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. Peter looked confused and waited for an answer. "Yes!" Alec shouted as the ring slid onto his finger. No one knew Magnus Bane, Alec's soulmate, was watching with tears in his eyes.

Three hours later

Magnus's POV
"Magnus! Catarina! You're here early," Sophie Lauren spoke. "There was an emergency?" Cat asked.
"I thought there was but now-"
A explosion shook the Institute while hearing all the screams from the shadowhunters.

Alec's POV
"Peter!" I cried holding my former finance. "Alec, we need to go somewhere safe!" Clary screamed running up to me.
"I can't-"
"You have to!"

After the attack

Magnus's POV
Too many lives taken by the explosion. Cat was busy healing up other shadowhunters giving me the position to watch. I sighed turning around to help the ones who were still alive but were helpless.

Five weeks after the attack

Alec's POV
I cried right into my boyfriends arms. "I have you. You're going to be okay, Alexander," he whispered. "I know," I replied.

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