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Alec's POV
I sighed as I slowly got dressed waiting for my wonderful boyfriend, Peter Gabriels. "Alec?" A knock sounded through the door. "Come in," I replied. I smiled at Jace who looked happy for me before falling to the ground making me gasp. "Jace!" I yelled running to my parabatai. "You're next, Alec," Peter grinned and tried to stab me but I ducked just in time as I walked backwards. "You can't go anywhere," Peter smirked and kept trying to get me. I knew I couldn't keep dodging the multiple attempts forever but I could try to go as long as I could until someone could call for help. I started to scream hoping to get some attention which ended up working when Izzy was at my door in a few seconds. Seeing me distracted, Peter ended up stabbing above my chest but not too close to my neck. "This is your end," Peter smiled before walking out of my bedroom. "Alec!" Izzy yelled running to me. "Call someone!" I screamed.

A few minutes later

Izzy's POV
I was pacing at the front door of the Institute until I heard the knock. "Thank you for coming," I stated before allowing them to run to Alec's room. "Isabelle," Magnus sighed.
"Hi Magnus. Long time no see"
"Cat called me"
"I'm not surprised"
I heard a scream and ran upstairs quickly with Magnus following after. I gasped when I saw all the blood coming from Alec's wound. "Magnus, help me!" Cat screamed and he teleported himself beside Alec's side and caught him when he was about to fall.

Alec's POV
"What are you doing here?" I whispered to Magnus as Cat was healing me. "I can't lose you Alec. You're still too young to die," Magnus cried bandaging my wound. "He'll survive," I heard Cat tell Izzy. "Thank you," I whispered. Magnus looked at me laying a hand on my cheek and pulled me closer. "You're welcome, darling," Magnus whispered before kissing me gently on my lips.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now