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Clary's POV
"We need to find the warlock," I sighed walking with Jace, Izzy, and Alec. "We'll find him, Clary," Jace said. Izzy sighed before almost being hit by a blast of magic. "I'm sorry!" A man yelled. "Are you Magnus?" Izzy asked.
"Who wants to know?"
"Isabelle Lightwood, Jonathan Wayland, Clarissa Fray, and Alexander Lightwood"
The warlock grinned. "Ah, nephilim. What can I do for you?" Magnus purred, directly at Alec making him turn away. "I need to find my brother," I replied.
"I'll help you for a price"
"What do you want?"
"Ah, let me talk to one of you in private. Preferably Alexander"
I sighed glancing at Alec who was blushing. "Fine," Alec said. Magnus grinned and motioned Alec to follow him.

Alec's POV
"Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked, confused. "Because if I told my price in public, everyone else would protest," Magnus purred.
"What do you want?"
"Oh, Alexander. Darling, I want you for reasons that even I can't tell you"
Magnus grinned before walking closer and grabbed me by the shirt before gently pushed me against the wall. "Then I'm afraid one of your friends has to die," he threatened making me shiver. "Who?" I asked.
"Hmm, preferably Jonathan"
"His name is Jace and you will not touch him"
"I won't be the one to kill him, it'll be a demon and trust me I have no control of it"
"Jace will kill it before it can kill him"
"Oh? That's where you're wrong. Jace will die by fighting it"
Magnus grinned before using his other hand to open up a cell. "Wait!" I yelled. "Yes, Alexander?" Magnus purred stopping in his tracks.
"You have a deal"
Magnus grinned evilly before closing the cell and let me go causing me to slide down. "Don't leave until I return," Magnus growled walking away and locked the door.

Jace's POV
"Where is Alec?!" I hissed at the warlock. "Don't worry, he's safe," Magnus sighed. "So you will help us?" Clary asked.
"Yes, yes"
Clary handed over an item of her brothers to Magnus who immediately concentrated on finding him. I tapped my foot impatiently as it seemed to take forever to find Jonathan. "He's at a warehouse in Switzerland," Magnus spoke. "Great. That narrows it down to at least 2,000 warehouses," I replied annoyed.
"The main warehouse in Meyrin, Switzerland"
"Well thank you for the help, I guess"
I walked away with Izzy and Clary thinking that Alec would come to the Institute later but I had no idea that he would never come back.

Magnus's POV
"Alexander, get up," I demanded. "Where are you taking me?" Alec asked as he grabbed my hand.
"To my apartment of course"
Alec sighed and allowed himself to be lead in the portal.

At the apartment

Alec's POV
Honestly, I wish I could escape but I found that to be impossible. I didn't know what Magnus wanted from me and I didn't try to figure it out. At least I was treated good. I found out earlier that the demon part of Magnus is uncontrollable but still I don't feel threatened nor a prisoner. It's been exactly five weeks since I've been here. "Alexander, I'm taking you out," Magnus spoke in the hallway. "Okay," I sighed and ran off to get dressed. I missed my friends especially my siblings, Jace and Izzy. "Need some help?" Magnus purred as I struggled buttoning my shirt. "Actually yes," I admitted. Magnus laughed gently before finishing the last touches of my torso.

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