Please Be Okay

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Alec's POV
No one said a friend from high school would be your enemy and I was certainly very revealed. I sighed and did my orders before he showed up with his girlfriend who absolutely hated me. "You're at Mano's Diner, how may I not help you?" I asked. "You still work here, seriously?! I'll take loser," Camille laughed.
"Sorry, we don't have that on the menu"
"You're the loser obviously"
"We do have heartless b*tch on the menu though"
"What did you just call me?!"
"You heard me!"
"Now, now. There is no time for fights," Jace spoke. "Says the homophobia," I spat.
"How's Magnus by the way? Did he finally cheat on you?"
"Bastard! We're engaged, thank you very much"
"I bet you he's not happy"
"Oh, he's very happy"
"I bet he is. Can we just get the largest vanilla shake please?" Camille growled. "We're out, goodbye," I hissed.

Time skip

From: Mags 😍

You coming home soon? I miss you

From: Mags 😍

Dinners ready

From: Mags 😍

You must be working hard, text or call when you can

From: Mags 😍

Alec, it's 11:30. You possibly can't be that busy

From: Mags 😍

Are you ok?

From: Mags

I just got the news, please be okay!!!! I love you Alexander

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