Handcuffed And Blindfolded

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Alec's POV
"Don't move too much, you might not enjoy it," Magnus whispered in my ear as he handcuffed me to the bed. "I'll enjoy it," I reassure him.
"Remember there is punishment along with this including a knife, are you sure you want to do this? I can mess up and-"
"Magnus, I trust you. Now please, blindfold me"
Magnus faltered before finally tying the blindfold on my eyes. "Punishment or biting first?" Magnus asked. "Punishment," I answered.
"Knife, spanking, or punching?"
"You sure? That punishment is optional since it's considered as abuse"
"I'm sure"
"Just to warn you, they will be hard"
"Magnus, I can take it"
I could feel my eyes widen as Magnus's fist connected to my face five times hard, making me whimper once in a while. Magnus smirked and kissed my bruises before cleaning up the blood and started to bite my neck slowly. I gasped in pleasure wanting more until his fist hit my face once again extra hard. "No sounds," Magnus warned. "But I love being punished," I whined.
"Yeah? You'd rather be punished than actually doing the sex?"
"N-no, of course not"
Magnus chuckled before leaning in my ear as if he was going to whisper something but punched it instead. "Ah-ah, you need to deserve it first. I'm going to punish you until it gets too much, just tell me to stop when it does," Magnus hissed. I nodded. Magnus smirked before cutting my skin with the knife but made sure not to make it too deep even though it would disappear at the end of the day. The spankings were my favorite as I knew it was marked as Magnus's property. "Magnus, please stop," I whimpered. In response, Magnus kissed my bruises before starting his work.

Magnus's POV
"Did you like it?" I asked as I was healing Alec's bruises. "I loved it. Maybe next time we'll just do the knife and spanking," Alec smirked.
"Yeah, probably a good idea"

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