An Awkward First Time

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I can't write smut so this one-shot will be terrible but continue on reading if you want.. don't say I didn't warn you **some spoilers from 2X18**

Alec's POV
My mind was racing as I lead Magnus to the bedroom not bothering to break the kiss making it difficult to close the door. I was fumbling with all the clothes and shoes that were on the floor making both of us giggle. I couldn't deny that Magnus laughing turned me on as my shirt was thrown off quickly and returned to the kiss. We both stopped for a moment leaning our foreheads together before Magnus particularly threw me on the bed and crawled on top of me. "That was graceful," Magnus spoke. "Shadowhunter," I replied before pulling him down to kiss me. Feeling confident, I moved my hand to his shirt and slowly slid it up before touching his skin which was wonderful. That moment Magnus pulled away looking like as if he was in pain and looked away from me covering his eyes while his shirt fell back down all the way. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked in panic. "No. Of course not," Magnus answered.
"Do you not want to?"
"No. I mean of course I do"
"Magnus, what is it?"
"It's just... sometimes I lose control.."
Magnus slowly turned revealing yellow cat eyes that were so beautiful. I didn't even hesitate as I reached up with my hand cupping his cheek. "Magnus. They're beautiful. You're beautiful," I spoke gently. Magnus smiled before moving his own hand placing it on top of mine. We stayed like that for a while before I was pushed back on the bed as Magnus started kissing and sucking my neck making me moan. He smiled against my neck before trailing kisses down my stomach.

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