Celebration Ruined

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Alec's POV
My breathing was getting out of control and I couldn't do anything to stop it. The worst part was I had to be at the party that was for me but I didn't know if I could go. "Alec? Guests are waiting," Izzy spoke through the door. "I can't do this. Tell mom the party is off," I sighed.
"Alec, you can do this. I believe in you. You have to be strong. At least have the party be shorter"
"Izzy, I'm literally having a panic attack right now!"
Silence. Then I heard footsteps leaving my bedroom door making me confused. Was she going to have mom humiliate me or was she getting someone to help? Of course the only person who can actually calm me down won't even come see me or anything. I sighed before falling on my knees as my breathing kept getting worse and tears started to fall by then. The door opened with someone running in to hold me. I didn't dare look at the face but I could hear words of encouragement even though I couldn't recognize the voice. My body was shaking not allowing me to calm down. "Alec!" A female voice yelled sounding like she was crying. Somehow, I could recognize the voice as my mom and I could barely see Izzy standing behind her. The last thing I remembered was hearing someone cry out before falling unconscious.

A few hours later

Alec's POV
My eyes fluttered open seeing everyone around me looking concerned. My sister was crying in my parabatai's arms while my mother was sitting down with teary eyes. "Alec, we were so worried," Clary spoke who was right next to Jace. "Alec's body wouldn't allow him to calm down. That's why it took longer than usual," Catarina explained handing me a cup of water. "I don't even remember having a panic attack," I spoke. "That's a good thing Alexander," a voice spoke from my side making me turn my head. I was surprised to see Magnus who had sleepy eyes that showed sadness and hands holding onto mine. "Alec, do you know why you would have a panic attack?" Catarina asked, concerned. "I-" I started before looking down. "He just got out of a very bad relationship," Jace explained knowing it was difficult for me to speak. I felt Magnus squeeze my hand to let me know that he was there for me. "Jace, what exactly happened with this relationship?" Catarina asked.
"Any unforgivable thing you can think of"

Time skip due to Jace's fear of ducks

Magnus's POV
I'm so glad Alec and I were alone. My hand was rubbing his own as he cried in my chest wetting my torso. Catarina had asked me to stay with him for the whole night and I agreed just in case Alec started having another panic attack. So far everything was going good probably because I was holding him and giving the comfort he asked for. "Magnus?" Alec cried out removing his head from my chest. "What is it, Alexander?" I asked him with tears threatening to fall.
"Thank you"
I looked at him sadly before leaning in until my lips was on his. Alec stayed frozen giving me dominance and I pushed him gently back on the bed. My hands explored his torso and after a few minutes, I pulled away and laid myself next to Alec as I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. "I'm never letting you go," I spoke gently before my eyes closed.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now