My Little Angel

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Alec's POV
I fell on my knees as Raphael kept beating me. "RAPHAEL SANTIAGO!" Magnus's angry voice echoed through the walls. Raphael grinned as he kicked and punched me one last time. "Send Raphael to the Clave," Magnus ordered. "But sir, the Clave is too dangerous!" Raphael complained.
"You defied my orders, Raphael"
"He deserved it, Magnus!"
"And I specifically ordered you to not hurt Alexander! Take him to the Clave and send him to death!"
"No! Please, I'll do anything!"
"Goodbye, Raphael"
"Alexander, are you okay?" Magnus asked, cleaning up my injuries. "I-I'm fine," I answered.
"Alexander, I know you're not. You know you're not"
"Stop calling me Alexander! I'm fine, I don't need to tell you everything"
"Alexander, I love you. Please don't do this"
"Do you? I'm allowing you to do the things you do even though I don't like it"
"Then why not say something?!"
"Because I'm afraid, Magnus!"
"You're my little angel, Alexander"

A/N: I'm ending this AU here because I'm not liking it. If you want to continue this story, pc me (the first one to message me gets it) don't forget to give credit!

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