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Alec's POV
I couldn't hear anything else but the laughter, blasts, and kicks from my ex friend and his gang just because I was gay. No one helped me, not even my boyfriend Magnus due to also getting beaten but he was in a worse condition than me since he was getting beat up in a locker that he was shoved into. My eyes allowed tears to fall as I was shoved in my locker only getting locked inside. "Kill Magnus," Jace snarled at the one who was beating him up. I heard Magnus scream before the sound of the locker door slamming shut.

Few hours later

Magnus's POV
I groaned as I fell to the floor when my locker door was opened only to get beaten a second round. Alec was tied up and gagged as he was forced to watch. "Any last words, princess?" Jace laughed kneeling in front of me with a knife in his hand. He smirked as someone brought Alec over pushing him in my arms. He looked at me before kissing my lips softly. "I love you, Alexander," I whispered as tears started to fall. Jace laughed before stabbing Alec in the chest making me scream as I felt the knife in my chest as well. "Now you'll die together," Jace hissed, removing the knife. I growled allowing our wounds to heal. My family consisted of having some kind of magic that would protect you but the magic would only work in a life or death situation. The gang hissed and started to beat us again at the same time. Alec was crying as he was pulled away from me only to get stabbed repeatedly. I screamed as I was thrown to the other side of the hallway. "Here's your Alexander for you, Bane!" Clary laughed, kicking Alec towards me.

Time skip

Alec's POV
I sighed resting my head on Magnus's shoulder as his hand was twirling my hair. "I love you," I whispered. "I love you too," Magnus whispered before kissing my forehead.

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