Threatened Part 2

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"Why are you doing this?" Alec snapped. "Because of you, darling," I growled.


Alec's POV
It was silence that made the entire trip to the queen awkward. It didn't help that my bounds were scratching my bruises and the gag was about to choke me. Magnus was watching me as his hands played with his knife to give me a warning. It wasn't long until the queen finally showed up with a terrified Izzy. "Ungag him," the queen demanded before Magnus removed the rope from my mouth and went behind me with the knife severely close to my neck. One bad move and I'd end up dead. "Alec-" Izzy started before getting stabbed in the shoulder. I couldn't do anything but watch unless I really wanted my sister to witness me dying in front of her. "You can speak, Alexander," the queen hissed and I had to stop myself from correcting her. "What do you want from me?" I asked.
"You're just too valuable. Besides, you won't be escaping until the day you die"
"Let my sister go"
"Gladly. But first"
Izzy screamed as she was stabbed in the stomach multiple times until she fell to her death. The queen grinned watching my expression as I was truly helpless. "You're going to do everything we say or your entire family dies. Am I clear?" The queen growled. "Perfectly clear, your majesty"
"Good. Magnus, I expect you to take care of him really well"
Magnus grinned as he carefully put away his weapon. "Gladly, my queen," Magnus snarled before taking me back to my chambers.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
Alec started crying as I pushed him harshly on his bed while bounding his wrists, ankles, and stomach. "Stop crying or you'll get another round of beating," I warned. "Don't do this," Alec cried out.
"Oh, darling. I want to do this"
"Magnus, you're not-"
"I'm taking care of you, Alexander. Just like what you wanted"
"Not like this"
"This is what you're getting"

Time skip

Alec's POV
I sighed as I twisted and turned due to my nightmares about my dead sister telling me it was all my fault. My eyes fluttered open in panic as I sat up on the bed and covered my mouth with my hand to stop the screams from coming out. "You okay, Alexander?" Ragnor asked making me jump since I forgot he was watching me. "No. I just had a nightmare," I answered.
"Do you need anything? Water, maybe?"
"Water is fine"
Ragnor nodded and stepped out to whisper to the female outside of the door to go and get my drink that I desperately needed. The queen was trying to break me but I wouldn't allow her to win. "Drink up, Alexander," Ragnor spoke startling me. "That was fast," I replied.
"The kitchen is close from here so"
I nodded after placing my cup on the nightstand. 'It's all an act' a voice whispered in my voice. "Did you say something?" I asked Ragnor. "No? Did you hear something?" Ragnor asked, confused.
"It was just probably in my imagination"
"I see"
"Sorry to break this up but there's a fire in the study," the female spoke. Ragnor said nothing as he grabbed me by the arm tying my wrists together and basically dragged me outside.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
I just watched the fire burn through my apartment as my magic was drained. I hoped my message to Alexander reached him or it was all for nothing. "I'll use my magic to take out the fire," Catarina spoke. I nodded as I sat down waiting for the fire to be extinguished. Alexander was sitting uncomfortably as his bounds were literally ripping against his skin. With the little of my strength I had left, I barely was able to remove the bounds from his wrists.

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