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Alec's POV
I sighed as I turned over in my bed, feeling the nice warm sheets. "Morning!" Cat yelled. "You know I don't trust you, right?" I asked, backing away.
"And you also know you'll need to trust me eventually. Get up, you're getting a proper breakfast"
"Just stay away from me!"
"Beat him, Cat!" Raphael's voice echoed through the walls. "If I ever see anyone touching Alexander, you'll be killed immediately!" Magnus ordered before entering my bedroom. "Magnus, he only trusts you," Cat sighed.
"Cat, leave us alone"
"Yes, your majesty"
"Alexander, you can trust my guards. They won't hurt you unless I order them to. Just be careful around Raphael," Magnus assured. "I won't," I replied.
"If their intentions were to hurt you, don't you think they would've ignored my orders already?"
"No, I won't"
"Alexander, do you trust me?"
"Of course, sir"
"Then listen to me"
Magnus moved closer: his hand gently stroking my cheek. I stayed still, too scared to move. Magnus chuckled and softly kissed my lips before pulling away. "Come, let's go to breakfast," Magnus spoke, holding out his hand. I quickly grabbed it and allowed myself to be guided through the hallways. "What would you like, Alec?" The servant asked. "He'll have the French toast," Magnus answered for me. "You know my favorite food?" I asked, surprised.
"Of course, I've done my research. When you become my husband, you'll have everything you asked for"
"Husband? Is that a joke?"
"Not at all, Alexander. Why do you think you're my favorite?"
"I won't marry you, Magnus"
"You'll change your mind eventually"

Few hours later

Alec's POV
I didn't dare move as Magnus kissed me repeatedly while I was pinned on his bed. "God, you're so beautiful," Magnus whispered in my ear seductively before kissing and biting my neck. I said nothing as if my voice was taken away. Magnus smirked against my skin while slowly pulling away. "Tired yet? We can watch a movie if you want," Magnus spoke. "No, not really. Which movie?" I asked.
"Your choice, my Alexander"
"Harry Potter!"
Magnus chuckled as he cuddled into my side while his servants set up the movie.

Magnus's bed:

Magnus's bed:

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Alec's bed:

Alec's bed:

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Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now