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A/N: I'll be making the third one after part 130 so the last two will just be texting

Clary: Anyone awake?

Simon: Me

Alec: No one cares, Simon

Magnus: Clarissa, it's noon? What time zone are you living in?

Alec: Says the one who just woke up

Magnus: Shh

Jace: Magnus just woke up?!


Izzy: Good one, Jace

Cat: Yes, Magnus usually wakes up at noon when he can

Camille: True



Camille has been banned from chat by Magnus

Camille has been killed by Cat

Clary: Best friends are always best friends

Simon: And now we're dating ❤️ (I will NEVER ship Clace! In my opinion, they are the worst couple ever. I don't care if you guys hate me now)

Clary: ❤️

Jace: That's romantic if you ask me

Izzy: Jace thinks something is romantic? Am I dreaming?

Tessa: Can we all agree that #MALEC is the best OTP?

Jace: I'm sorry, what? #JAIA (yes, I ship Maia and Jace) is the best OTP

Izzy: No, #MALEC

The chat has ended

Angel: Malec or Jaia?

Magnus: Malec


Every Malec shipper: MALEC!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍

Double bonus points if you loved Tessa as a fan girl

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