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Alec's POV
My realization came while Magnus was kissing me passionately. I pulled away, punching him in the process. "You little-!" Magnus growled. "I know, Magnus! What do you accomplish?!" I shouted.
"Whatever. I got exactly what I wanted. It was nice playing with you"
"You're sick!"
"Thank you for that compliment, Alexander"
"What did you accomplish?!"
Magnus stared at me before laughing. "Like I'll tell you," Magnus laughed. I hissed and raised my hand to attack him only to get slammed onto the floor. "You really think you can take me?!" Magnus hissed. "I can try! Go on, hurt me, isn't that what you want?!" I shouted.
Magnus hissed before punching me repeatedly. I just laid there, pinned on the floor, as if I truly wanted this and didn't even wince when I started getting kicked repeatedly. Magnus was smiling as he beat the life out of me, like he never loved me all those years ago.

The end (lol JK, here's the plot twist)

Third Person POV

Magnus woke up screaming with Alec following behind him in just a few seconds. "What kind of dream was that?" Magnus asked. "You call that a dream, Mags? It was more like a nightmare," Alec replied with a sigh.
"I would never ever force you to love me"
"I know"
Magnus laughed and kissed the life out of Alec. Whatever happened next is your imagination.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now