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Facebook, texting, chat room

Clary has invited everyone to a chat room

Alec: What the hell

Jace: Clary!

Magnus: Haha

Clary: .... Magnus, you high?

Magnus: What?! No! (Sureee)

Simon: Who invited the warlock?

Magnus and Alec: Who invited the vampire?!

Luke: Why am I in this!

Sebastian: I'm killing everyone

Max: Ahhh!!!!!!

Izzy: MAX

Camille: Hola

Magnus: Get out

Camille has been banned forever from chat

Simon has killed Camille

Robert: NO

Alec: Father?!

Robert: Disgrace!!!

Robert has been banned forever from chat

Maryse: Uh

Alec: Hi mom

Izzy: Hehe

The chatroom has been removed due to Alec's fear of umbrellas

Jace has invited everyone to a group chat

Alec: hi

Jace: Hi

Magnus: Bonjour!

Simon: Where are the girls

Jace: ....

Clary: Simon, I love you

Simon: Will you go out with me, Clary?

Clary: YES

Magnus: I hate France

Alec: Magnus

Izzy: I'm out

Magnus: smh

Lydia: What happened?!

Alec: Aww, is my finance jealous?

Magnus: What?! Me?! Jealous?! No!

The group chat has been dismissed due to Magnus and Alec's "situation"

Catarina Loss has posted - 1450 likes
               ~ @Magnus is out of glitter, send help!


Alec: he's forcing me to go shopping to get more glitter!
Jace: .... and I'm still trying to prove ducks are evil :(
Will: same!
Magnus: and clothes!
Alec: no!
Magnus: yes!
Izzy: oh
Clary: Simon, send help
Simon: Brazil send help! (If anyone gets this, we're automatically friends)
Everyone but Simon: What?!
Simon: nothing

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