Spell Gone Wrong (Dark Malec)

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Alec's POV
They said love was too powerful for the soulmates of this time and I believed them. That's how I ended up tied up on my boyfriends bed naked with my mouth gagged and bruises on my body. Yet, I wasn't in pain nor was Magnus stopping. A spell gone wrong made him like this and I was his little experiment trying to turn me on his new side. Magnus warned me to stay away from him but I came anyway only resulting in being captured and he can't control himself. I sighed trying to break my bonds but only made them tighter. "Why didn't you just stay away from me?!" Magnus screamed, falling to my side with a knife that was piercing my skin. I wanted to scream back to him but he wasn't planning on removing my rope anytime soon so my eyes decided to allow a tear to fall as everything went black. That moment was when I knew I was going to be turned.

A few hours later

Alec's POV
My eyes fluttered open as my heart was beating very fast. "Alexander, I-" Magnus cried, laying a hand on my cheek. "Am I-I-" I asked.
"Yes, you are. Why didn't you just stay away?"
"I-I love you too much, Mags"
"But you didn't have to get hurt!"
"Mags, it's okay"
"No, it's not! I had hurt you! I won't be able to live with myself knowing I did!"

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