When Alec Lightwood is hurt

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Alec's POV
I sighed glancing at my phone which was laying beside me on a bench until I was thrown off literally. I groaned and grabbed my stele quickly plunging it into the demons stomach before it could attack again. "Alec!" Izzy yelled running up to me. "I'm fine Iz. It's just a shoulder injury," I explained.
"Come on. Let's take you to Magnus"
I giggled as I was dragged to my husbands house. "What happened?" Magnus asked looking at my shoulder. "Demon attack," I shrugged, painfully sitting down on the couch.
"You're not fighting until your shoulder is fully healed"
"Yes mother"

Two days later

Magnus's POV
I laughed trying to feed my husband while healing a little scar on his arm. Alec pouted and kissed me softly. I smiled in the kiss and before I knew it, we were having sex.

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