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"You slimy, freaky, mop-headed, cabbage faced..."

The boy yelled child-insults from the top of the tall cupboard as Nick scrambled over all the cluttered furniture the kid had tumbled in his way.
A hatbox thrown from the top of the cabinet smacked him in the forehead, sending him tumbling backwards over an ornamental chair, something snapping beneath him as he went down.


"Bad word!" A second box followed the first, clubbing him right in the stomach.

"I know it's a bad word!" Yelled Nick, pulling himself up. He picked up the box, glaring at it, considering lobbing it at the child atop the cabinet, if it were not for the fact the kid were four.

The spawn of the devil, mind, but still four.

The kid sat at the top of the cabinet, slapping his hands musically on the wood, still in Nick's jacket. He looked tauntingly at Nick, singing a made-up nursery rhyme of nonsense.
"Can't get up here, can't get up here! Insy winsy spider, up the hill! With Jack and Jill! But you're not, 'cause you can't get up here!"

"Shut. Up." He growled through gritted teeth.

"BIIIIILLY!" Called a voice from the hall, followed by footsteps by the door.

A small head appeared around the door, breaking into a grin as he saw the room. "What happened here? Hi, Billy!"

"Hi, Rigsy!" The child, Billy, waved from the top of the cupboard. "Hey, look at this cool jacket!" He waved his cloth covered hands excitedly at his friend.

Nick glared daggers as he eased himself up. "Meet and greet's over, gimme my stuff back!"

"Like this battery?" Billy pulled the battery out of his pocket again, waving it tauntingly. Nick jumped for it, making Billy pull it back. Then, grinning evilly, he  licked the plastic of the battery. "Still want it now?"

"It's not your siblings bloody cupcake, it's my phone battery! A) Licking it's bloody dangerous, and B) It's a frigging emergency! I need it!"

Behind him, Rigsy laughed. "Yeah, he's much more fun than the lady we got back at the treehouse."

Billy's eyes lit up. "What lady?"

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