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Nyx scratched at Alysha's face, tearing and pulling at her hair, screaming now unintelligible words at her.
"You... Bitch... Hate...Arrgh Fucking... Thief...!"

Alysha wrenched Nyx's hands off her by her wrists, shoving her back harshly.

Nyx slipped backwards, feet going out from under her, and crashed to the floor, smacking hard against the rock.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Alysha was immediately at her side, reaching to help her up.

Nyx wrenched her arm away. "Go the fuck away!"

Alysha flinched.

Nyx pulled herself upright against the wall, breathing hard. "Everyone just go away. I can't deal with anybody else's shit!"

She limped over and plonked down next to Maddie, groaning.

"Nyx, you okay?"

"Nope. I'm one hundred percent crazy."

Maddie laughed nervously. "Seriously though, are you okay? I mean, what was that? I've never seen you loose it like that."

Nyx groaned loudly. "I don't even know.
I just... Couldn't take it anymore. Seriously, if we don't get out of here soon, someone's going to kill someone.
And one of those someones is going to be me!"

Maddie put her arm around Nyx, pulling her close and rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. Nyx laid her head on Maddie's shoulder.

"If it's any consolation," Maddie interjected, "I my money is on those someones being Sebastian and Alysha.  No particular order of which someone is which, mind.
Possibly that Luci-girl thrown somewhere in that as well."

Nyx twitched a smile. "So... basically just everyone else but us."

"Well, yeah. Someone's got to survive to tell the tale."

Nyx chuckled. "Can you imagine telling someone about all this? They'd wonder what we've been smoking!"

"Mate, you do realise we're going to have to tell someone, right?"

Nyx groaned. "Shit. Do we really have to? I don't think I can explain this. At least, not in a way that makes me look good."

Maddie chuckled kindly. "Never mind. We'll deal with it when we get there.
Let's just work on surviving."

"Yeah." Nyx said dully, expression neutral.

Maddie looked at her concerned. "Hey, Nyx..."

Nyx shot her a warning look.
Maddie changed track.

"... Uh... I think your lip's bleeding."

"Aw, crap!"

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