Weapons and plans

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Emilia was distracted by a sudden small hand yanking at her elbow. "Psst. I got a plan."

Surprised, she looked down to see Wesley standing solemnly besides her, as if she'd been there all along.
"What in the... No!" Emilia hissed. "Go back to your sister, now!"

"Pssf. I know what to do, more than you do. You and your teeny-tiny knife."

She held up a small, sports-kit-like bag she'd grabbed from God knows where on the way from the treehouse to the mansion. "This is full of all our bestest weapons."

"Weapons? You're what, six at most? How have you got weapons?" Emilia had to make a physical effort not to shout.

"Not tellin' " Chimed Wesley, proudly.
"Anyway, I got lotsa 'splosive-like ones, with smoke and sparks and stuff.
And slimy ones, and water ones and all sorts.
We can make a distraction with them, and take a bunch of them out!"

"... With smoke bombs and fire crackers?"

"They're better than that. Rigsy an' Billy and some of the others did magic stuff and sciency experimental stuff to 'em."

"... You're six. None of you are really older than six. Oh, God. This is going to go so wrong."

Wesley grinned. " 's not. Come on, 'for Candy shows up."

She went as if to walk towards the demons, face determined, clutching the bag. Emilia grabbed her. "Hell no. We need to be smart about this. As in, you're staying as far away as I can make you, whilst I decide what I use to deal with this."

"Use the green ones." Wesley whispered quietly, eyes glinting with a diabolical excitement. "Just don't get the stuff inside on your skin."

Holy crap, what's in these things? They're children!

Emilia nibbled her lip thoughtfully, several ideas bubbling. "Okay, so tell me exactly what each one does?"

So... I spent the day dressed as a Steampunk pirate.


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