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Travis pulled up on Evelyn's drive, white as a sheet, fingers gripped brusingly to the steering wheel, and the second the engine stopped he bolted out of the car door, putting about eight strides between him and the car.

He stood there, breathing hard, rubbing his face and blinking rapidly.

The others watched him from the car for a few moments, before the sounds coming from Rachel in the back cut through their thoughts.

"Oh my fucking God, we have to get her out of the car!" Selene exclaimed, wailing.
She'd insisted on coming, switching places with a very exhausted Owen as the babysitter.
It made sense. Selene thought of Rachel as a second mother, whereas Owen held more of the cousin-slash-lodger in the whole family dynamic .

Selene turned to Magnus, eyes wide, hands on her face in shock. "How the hell do we get her to the lab?"

"Let's just find the lab first." Julianna said rationally, managing to keep the coolest head of the group, and that was saying something. Everyone was pretty shell-shocked and running purely on adrenaline.

"I know where it is." Said Travis, returning to the car to input into the conversation.

Selene looked at him softly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Came the clipped answer.
"The lab entrance is just behind those shrubs. We could get Evelyn first, and then find a way to sort out Rach."

Magnus nodded. "But let's hurry. There's so much that could go wrong here, especially if someone or something notices us."

Travis pulled open the hatch door, taking a few steps down before a doctor-coated Evelyn shoed him back upwards. "Out! Out! Sterile! Out! Wait! Where's Rachel?"

"In my car!" Travis answered quickly, almost scared of the previously shrieking woman.

"Well then, bring her in!"

"Uhh..." Travis said, fishing for words.

"Yeah, we need help with that." Said Julianna. "She's... Putting up a fight."

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