Swiftly walking away

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Alysha rolled her eyes at Maddie. "Fine. I suppose leaving you behind would raise too many questions."

She scooped Maddie up like a sack of potatoes, hoisting her up into her arms.

"Hey!" Maddie objected loudly.

Alysha ignored her, talking to Nyx.
"Get a move on, let's go!" She hissed. "Before they remember we're involved!"

Nyx considered arguing. There was no way to say that by going with Alysha they'd get home any quicker than by staying put.

But, they would definitely demand an explanation, and there was none she could give that wouldn't incriminate her. The Clave already didn't like her, and after this, that opinion was not going to improve.

She scrambled up, brushing herself off.
"You got a way back home?"

"I'll think of something."

That wasn't greatly reassuring.

"Alright, lead the way." She said, resigned.

Maybe somehow her phone would miraculously begin working, and she could call someone.
One could dream.

Alysha lead them swiftly away, not quite running, more just swiftly walking, with Alysha checking behind them every four seconds to make sure no one was following.

In almost any other circumstances, it might have even been comical.

When they'd reached what Alysha considered a significant distance away, Alysha set Maddie down on a mound of scrub, crouching low besides her, dragging Nyx down next to her.

Swiftly, she rummaged in her pockets, muttering under her breath.

Nyx eyed her warily. "What are you doing?"

"Attempting to get us out of here. Goddamit! I used to be able to do this in my sleep!
Now I have to rely on... Aha! There you are!"

She held up a small something that glinted dully in the light.

Nyx squinted at it. "Wait a second, is that... A bit of that weird rock stuff from the caves?"

"Hate the place, but I can appreciate the benefits of this stuff."

She shook it in her closed fist, rolling it through her fingers, eyes closed as she thought.

She opened her eyes, peering at the shard that she had pinched between her fingers.

She squinted at it, deliberating.

Suddenly her eyes went wide as she saw something in the surface.


...As Evelyn sunk the syringe into her skin.

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