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Julianna groaned as she helped guide Rachel's mattress down the stairs, Rachel thrashing about atop it. "Why can't we just portal in?"

"Several reasons." Magnus replied, sounding breathless. "Mainly, Evelyn found a way to fix her wards so you just can't. I don't know how she did it, but it would take days to even begin cracking them, and that's assuming the demons inside the house don't notice before then.
I did warn her about playing around with her warding, telling her about the drawbacks of being unable to take it down relatively easy, but hey, that's Evelyn for you. Seeing just how far she can push it, then pushing even more anyway.
Didn't stop Lilith's minions walking through the front door. Apparently all you need is Evelyn's permission to do that. Or in that instance, Lilith in Evelyn's body's permission.
I think the theory behind it was that by having everyone come through one entrance, she could monitor exactly who was came into her house.
Good idea on paper, but  obviously, she didn't consider any instances such as today!"

He groaned as gravity took hold of the mattress, yanking it forwards in his hands which he had to scrabble to stop it, twisting his fingers painfully.

Owen caught it, steadying it. "We're okay! It's okay!"

"Technically, she's got two entrances." Travis said thoughtfully.

"What?" Hissed Magnus irritably.

"The front door, and the secret lab entrance."

"I know that! But they're both under the same principle, and the lab is secret for a reason! For the general public, it's one entrance!"

"None of this is fucking important!" Julianna yelled angrily. "Let's just get her to the fucking car!"

I love comments! Just tell me what you think so far, or what you thinks going to happen next, or just your general opinion!
I love feedback, and I love talking to you lot!

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