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Keith huffed, spinning his blade on the stony ground. "This is boring. Why were we sent here, again?"

"Uhm..." Lance pulled a device out from his pocket. "Spying on... The Prince. They think he's possessed or it's an imposter. We're supposed to be keeping an eye out for either."

The red paladin groaned, rolling onto his back. "So why are we in regular clothes instead of our armor?"

Lance shrugged, feet kicked up. Keith raised a brow. "Where's your shoes and socks?" Lance gestured beside himself.

Keith rolled his eyes and dropped his head. "This is stupid." He grumbled.

"Then we'll do something to pass the time." Lance shrugged and sat up.

"With what? Don't tell me you're about to pull cards out of your ass."

Lance snorted. "No. We'll play chicken."

Keith raised a brow and slowly sat up. "Alright. I'll bite." The blue paladin grinned, crossing his legs. Keith tugged off his boots and socks. "But, you'll have to be more specific. What kind of chicken?"

"Gay chicken." Lance mused with a wave of his finger. "We lean in for a kiss. Whoever shies away first loses."

"What happens when we do kiss?" Keith asked, intrigued.

Lance shrugged. "Seven minutes in heaven, I guess. Except, without the being locked in a closet." Keith huffed amusedly. "If the winner wants it, of course."

"Wait? How do we tell who wins if we do kiss? Whoever pulls away the fastest?"

"No. It's he who hesitates loses." Lance shook his head. Keith nodded with a hum of understanding. "Start on three?"

Keith shrugged. "Yeah. Why not?"

Lance shuffled closer. "Mkay. One... Two... Three."

They stared at each other, almost daring the other to lean first. Simultaneously, they began to lean towards each other, Lance with his head tilted. Lance smirked and Keith huffed. Keith kept his eyes on the prize: Lance's parted lips.

Keith gulped, regret settling in. Why did I agree to this? He bit his lip, but didn't stop.

They inched closer and closer together until Keith could feel Lance's breath on his face. Keith clenched his jaw nervously, twisting the hem of his shirt. He almost smirked himself when he noticed how shaky Lance was getting.

"Scared?" Lance taunted.

"Of a kiss?" Keith cocked a brow. "Never." He took a leap. Keith grabbed Lance's jacket and yanked him forward.

Blame it on no impulse control.

Their lips crashed together very uncerimoniously. Lance froze up, so Keith was smirking as he pulled away. "I win." He mused, flicking Lance's nose.

"Hey! You cheated!" Lance shouted, rubbing both his mouth and his nose.

"Did not." Keith crossed his arms. "You never said I couldn't do something like that. So I won fair and square. I just won myself seven minutes in heaven, but without the closet."

Lance pouted, angrily folding his arms. "Do you even know what seven minutes in heaven is?"

The red paladin opened his mouth to retort, then paused. His cheeks went red in embrassment. Another simple game he didn't know.

"Really?" Lance laughed, rocking back as Keith pushed him. "Okay, okay!" He raised his hands in surrender.

"Show me." Keith demanded.

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