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"No, no! Let me go!" Lance screamed and thrashed as he was dragged down an unfamiliar hallway. "Let me get to Rosályn! I won! I killed that thing for you! Let me hold her!"

Lance jerked and snapped at the Galran guards as he was pinned and strapped to a table.

A druid stepped closer, humming. "Paladin, you must look presentable as our newest Gladiator. The crowd loved you."

"I don't give a shit!" Lance spat, straining against his restraints. He panted and groaned, jaw clenching and nails digging into his palms. "Let me go!"

The druid nodded to the guard behind Lance. Lance gasped and shouted as his longer, ratty hair was grabbed and yanked, his head slammed abruptly onto the table. He grit his teeth chest heaving as he glared up at the druid.

She smothered under his chin and over his jaw with a smooth, soapy substance before carefully running a smooth, sharp blade over his skin. After a few more moments of the druid's carefully handling of the blade, she splash water onto his face.

Lance gagged and coughed as the guard released him. Water spurted from his nose and mouth as he coughed. He shook his head, water droplets flying everywhere.

Without warning, again, Lance's face was grabbed and held firmly in place while the druid ran a sponge-y rag over his face, scrubbing the dirt from his face.

Once they deemed his face clean enough, she picked through his shaggy hair, humming curiously. "Just like Champion... Faded hair... Although, the patch is smaller and there is faded hair more throughout your head."

Lance jerked his head away, yanking more on his bindings. "Stop fucking touching me!"

The druid hummed at his reaction. "You're more violent, however... Must be paternal instincts."

"Fuck off!" Lance yanked and sneered, baring his teeth at the druid. "You want me to fight, then let me have my daughter!"

"No." The druid inspected him a moment more, then turned and walked out.

The guards stepped up and undid Lance's binding.

Adrenaline still pumping through Lance's blood, he thrashed and snapped at them as they dragged him through the hall.

They struggled to keep hold of him until they could finally throw him into a cell. Lance screamed and slammed into the door. "Let me out! I gave you what you wanted!"

He pounded on the cell door, but his legs finally gave out from exhaust. Lance hit the floor, panting and gasping for breath, eyes wide. He gulped, breathing shallow and quick.

His eyes stung and he pulled himself away from the door as he heard marching.

"No... No no no..."


"Thank God they shaved him." Pidge huffed. "He looked like a hobo." She muttered, watching the camera feed.

Keith gripped Pike tighter, a hand in Rosályn's hair as if just to make sure she was still there. "Stop watching that... We need to figure out how to get in and get him out before his next fight."

"We should be able to do that." Shiro spoke up from his seat. "There was always a day between each of my fights."

Pidge nodded, then huffed. "Fucking great. Galran days must be five varga, then."

Shiro raised his head. "What? No."

Keith leaned closer. "What do you mean?"

The green paladin gestured to her screen. "His next fight is in five varga."

"What!?" Keith and Hunk both shouted, Pike whimpering at the sudden outburst.

"We have to get in, then!" Keith yelled, setting Pike down beside Rosályn. "We need to get in now!"

"We can't." Pidge muttered. "We need more time than that."

"Lance needs to get out of there before he's forced to go through another fight!" Keith snapped, gasping as Shiro set a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Keith..." The older man murmured, once he had Keith's full attention. "I agree with you. Lance shouldn't be forced through another fight, but... We need time to form a plan, and he might have to go through that fight... We're going as fast as we can, Keith. We just... We don't have him here, so we're not as strong or as fast."

Keith teared up, clenching his jaw. "What if he's killed during this fight?"

Shiro shook his head. "He won't be. Lance will get through it. He's strong and he thinks they have Rosie. He'll fight harder, thinking that."

The red paladin stared up at him, then nodded, looking down. "Okay... You're right... I just need to wait."

The black paladin breathed deeply and gently patted Keith's shoulder. "It'll be alright. We'll have him back before you know it."


Lance panted heavily, trying to push himself back up. His head throbbed painfully from a blow of a staff.

"Get up! The paladins are pathetic if this is what all are like!" The beast growled.

The blue paladin sneered up at the beast as he approached. "Don't you dare insult them." He heaved himself to his feet, stumbling back afterwards.

The beast laughed loudly, then poked Lance's forehead. He barked with laughter as Lance fell back, flinging his arms out.

Lance clenched his jaw, glaring up at the beast as he listened to Rosályn's cries.

Rosályn started screaming, causing Lance to jump and his eyes to widen. He swiveled around to see her and gasped.

A sentry slowly approached Rosályn with an electric prod.

Lance saw the swing coming in shadow. He swung back and caught the staff, twisting and yanking back.

The beast he faught gasped and stumbled, caught off-guard. He threw his fist out, but Lance ducked and yanked the staff with him. The beast gasped and fumbled forward, pivoting to throw another attack. Lance used the staff to launch himself up and hooked his arm around the beasts neck.

He looked up, tensing as the prod entered the cage, closer to a wailing Rosályn.

Lance squeezed his eyes shut and turned away, flinching at a loud, quick snap. The beast went still, then slowly collapsed. Lance panted, stumbling back on his feet.

He snapped his head up to see the prod still between the bars. Lance bared his teeth and grabbed the staff. He held the staff back, his other arm straight out and his foot back for balance.

He launched the staff, smirking as the staff went straight through the sentry's chest.

Without another second to waste, Lance bolted straight for the cage, Rosályn sobbing and reaching through the bars for him.

"Rosályn!" He fell to his knees beside the cage grabbing her hands since he couldn't reach through. "I'm right here, princess..."

Lance paused as she glitched. He slowly let her hands go, gasping as he was grabbed and yanked away.

Rosályn glitched, her cries breaking out as well until she vanished.

The blue paladin was limp as the guard dragged him out of the arena.

He was still as he was set in his cell, then he sobbed once the door shut.

"No... No..."


1161 words

Aw, he found out...

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