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Keith clung close to Lance, peeking up at Pike every couple of steps. Pike had fallen fast asleep, curled up in Lance's arm, against his chest with his head tucked into his father's neck.

Only once they were finally on the castle-ship did Keith finally relax in the slightest.

"Rosie is with Aneira in the lounge. Do you want to see her?" Lance asked softly, rubbing Keith's upper arm.

The red paladin slowly nodded, rubbing his cheek. "Yeah... Then can we shower?"

Lance chuckled and placed a kiss on Keith's forehead. "Yeah. We'll get you two cleaned up."

Keith nodded, looking back to Pike for the umpteenth time.


The moment the lounge doors opened, Keith's legs nearly buckled from the force of a toddler crashing into him.

"Mommy!" Rosályn wailed, thrown tightly around Keith's legs, preventing him from moving. "Mommy, mommy!"

"Rosie!" He grabbed onto her, dropping to his knees to hold her tightly to himself. "Oh, Rosályn... Rosie, baby girl..." He kissed her head several time, more tears stinging his eyes.

Rosályn clung to him, nuzzled into his neck. "Mommy! I miss you so much!"

Keith sobbed softly, nodding as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I know... I know... I missed you, too..."

The red paladin gasped and jumped, snapping his head down to see what had brushed against his leg and meowed. His eyes widened as he looked back up to Lance.

The blue paladin smiled softly, gesturing to the feline. "That's really her."

Keith looked back down to the Biladi as she meowed again, purring softly. Keith picked her up in one arm to nuzzle her. "Berrie... Berrie, Berrie... I thought I lost you..."

Berrie purred happily, meowing softly. She rubbed her cheek against his, licked the tip of his nose, then pressed her forehead against his.

Keith smiled weakly, eyes still stinging. "Berrie... Rosie... I missed you two so much..."

Rosályn sniffled, rubbing her nose into his chest. "Miss you, too, mommy..."

The red paladin tightly held onto them, kissing their heads.

Pike wriggled in Lance's arms, so the blue paladin set him down. He hobbled around and pulled himself up into his mother's arms.

Keith laughed softly, adjusting the other two take him in as well. "Hey, sweet boy..." Pike just hummed, relaxing against Keith's chest with his sister and the Biladi.

Lance knelt beside them, placing his hand on Keith back. "You're safe... You're home..." Keith nodded, leaning closer to him.

Aneira sighed softly, watching fondly from the couch beside the other paladins. He's alright... He'll be okay, Aneira...


Keith curled up tightly on their bed, smiling widely as he holds his children and the Biladi all close to his chest. He faded in and out of consciousness, relaxed and content.

Lance smiled at the sight, laying beside them, carding his fingers through Keith's raven locks.

Keith blinked several times, trying to stay awake, though he couldn't seem to open his eyes all the way. He was so drained and exhausted.

The blue paladin hummed, shuffling closer. He hooked an arm over Keith's waist, rubbing his back, and adjusted his other arm. Keith shuffled and raised his head, then used Lance's bicep as a pillow.

"I love you..." The red paladin whispered so softly, Lance almost did catch it.

"I love you, too." He leaned forward, pressing his lips to Keith's forehead. "Get some sleep, Keith. You really need it."

Keith sighed as he nodded, barely lasting a minute before sleep finally won over.

Lance chuckled, resting his chin a top Keith's head.


Pike waddled after Lance, dragging his blanket as he followed his father.

Lance smiled down at the little boy. "Hey, bubba." He mused, reaching down to pet his curly hair back.

The little boy perked up, looking up at his father. "Hi..." He murmured, reaching with his free hand towards Lance's. Lance smiled, enveloping Pike's hand with his.

Pike waddled closer to Lance, gripping his hand as they made their way through the hall. He clutched his blanket to his chest, looking around.

"Bubba." Pike looked back up at Lance, tilting his head. "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Pike blinked, looking down. The one-year-old only wore a diaper and a pair of socks. He giggled, grinning toothily up at Lance. Lance laughed and swooped up his little boy. Pike squeaked, grasping tightly onto Lance as he was placed on his father's hip. He blinked a few times, then hunched over to rest his head on Lance's shoulder.

Lance hummed, patting Pike's back. "I love you, bubba."

Pike pursed his lips, then made a popping sort of sound with them. Lance chuckled. "Love you, Dada." He finally responded, gently patting Lance's chest.

The blue paladin swayed slightly as he walked, smiling contentedly with Pike wrapped in his arms.


801 words

Finally, another update. Nothing but a bit of fluff.

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