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Lance stared at the floor, wincing slightly as Keith squeezed his arm a little too close to the gash.

"Sorry-... Sorry..." Keith muttered, gaze stuck to Lance's arm in concentration. "I should try getting better at this."

"It's okay, Keith." Lance whispered, looking up at him. "It's not that bad, anyway."

Keith shook his head, cutting off the access of the wrap. "You should be in the pod getting this healed."

The blue paladin clenched his jaw. "There is no way I am getting in that pod after Lotor threatened you and the baby. No way." Keith taped the wrap down. "Thank you." Lance sighed and relaxed. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I shouldn't be adding onto your stress, but I just need to make sure you and our baby are safe."

"Yeah." Keith nodded, averting his watery gaze. "I know... I know you do, just... This'll scar if you don't go in a pod. It'll hurt for a long time."

Lance took Keith's hand. "It's worth it, Keith. I love you. I love you so, so much." He brought Keith's hand up to his lips. "I don't know what I'd do if you were ever hurt and I couldn't do anything about it because I was stuck in a pod." Lance leaned forward, then dropped his head on Keith's shoulder. "I love you, Keith."

Keith squeezed Lance's hand, trembling. "Y-yeah... I love you, too..."


"I need to punch something!"

"I hear you."

"But I can't!"


"And I just- I worry Lance, and I'm tired of that! We fought this morning for fucks sake! We haven't fought a two-sided fight in so long!"

"I've noticed."

"Pidge, I-I... I can't... I can't keep this up much longer... I'm going insane from sitting back in the castle, unable to do anything." Keith slowly sat down as Pidge bumped the edge of the seat into the back of his knees.

Pidge hummed, running her fingers through his hair. "Well, you see each other everyday, and when you don't see each other, one of you is off fighting while you're stuck in a room because you stress yourself out when on the bridge with Coran and Allura." Keith relaxed and sighed, eyes fluttering closed. "Want my advice? Try and take a break. From Lance, from fighting... Just take a day to relax without fretting about Lotor being there. Take a day to get Lance out of your hair. Just a day to relax and think about your baby."

Keith slowly nodded, humming softly as Pidge tugged his hair back into a ponytail. "Can't exactly do that in the castle, can I?"

The younger paladin chuckled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "No. Maybe when we stop on Olkarion, we could ask Ryner to let you stay for a little while. It'd do you and the baby good to get some fresh air and new foods."

"Does sound nice... Hey, can I see her again?"

"Yeah, of course! Come on to the table. Oh, wait. Gimme a tick to put the pillows and stuff on it."


Keith bit his lip, looking around the room. "It's big..." He murmured, Shiro dropping a bag full of Keith's stuff on the floor.

Shiro chuckled. "It sure is. Very luxurious. This is like vacation, buddy."

The red paladin smiled, turning to the black paladin. "Yeah. I'm kinda glad I get to stay for a little while. I've got a nice view of the forest and less of a chance of being attacked."

Shiro laughed and ruffled Keith's hair. "I hope you have fun, buddy. Maybe you could learn a thing or two about parenting if you asked."

"They might parent differently than humans, Shiro."

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