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Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Matthew and Slav all stared up at Keith from their crouched/sitting/mid-falling positions.

The green paladin finally slipped with a shriek and crashed into the floor and right onto a tablet.

"Oh no!" Slav cried and scrambled over. He quickly rolled her off and scooped up the tablet as if it was his child. "No, no! You broke it! Uck- now I have to fix it again!"

"It wasn't broken the first time." Coran muttered from the corner of his lips as his wide-eyed stare was still glued to the red paladin. Slav shot the Altean a nasty look before murmuring to the tablet softly and trotting away.

Keith gulped, fidgeting slightly nervously under everyone's stares. "Is, uhm... Anyone going to say anything?"

Pidge groaned as she pushed herself up and raised a hand. "Yup. Me. I am." She huffed as she plopped down on a step and tilted her head up to look at him again. "Are you fucking kidding me? You're pulling my leg, right?"

"Language, Katherine..." Matthew chided, but his gaze was also firmly set on Keith. When did he even get on the ship? Keith thought he was still with the rebels.

"Shut up, Matthew." She waved an absent hand at him. "Two days ago you were locked in you room, begging for someone to find a way to get rid of it. Wait, hold on a tick- you were screaming at Lance and you kicked Hunk and I out of your room, then refused to eat." Keith slowly nodded. Pidge then gestured wildly to him. "Why so sudden? Why now that we're in the middle of making what you've wanted since you found out?"

The red paladin bit his lip, placing his hands on his flat abdomen. "Happiness..."

All of them continued to stare.

Keith shifted uneasily under all their gazes. He wished Lance was there to shield him from their unreadable eyes and expressions.

Abruply, the tool fell out of Hunk's hands and he jumped up with a grin. "Welp, good enough for me!" He piped up, throwing his big, warm arms around the much smaller paladin. Keith gasped as the sudden squeeze, but smiled and tried to return the embrace. "I'm so proud of you, Keith! Oh, you're gonna make a great mommy!" He justed squeezed tighter and tighter until Keith rapidly patted his back with a quiet, 'mercy.' "Oh, sorry."

Hunk set Keith down and brushed off his sleeves, but couldn't wipe off the grin that had built on his face. "I'm just so happy! That's awesome! Does this mean I'm an uncle now? Lance always told me that when he had kids, I'm an automatic uncle. Ooh, am I the Godfather!?"

"Hunk, Hunk, calm down!" Keith raised his hands, but still smiled. "Talk to Lance about that."

Matthew then cleared his throat. "So, uh... Am I going back to my team, then?"

"Hell no." Pidge twisted and pointed over at her brother with a firm glare. Matthew raised his hands with another soft callout on her language. "We still need help with the castle since Keith now really won't be piloting red. Lance will pilot red, leaving Allura to pilot Blue. That means you stay here and help Coran and Slav fight from in the castle. Well, not Slav. He kinda stands back and watches and freaks out, listing all the possible ways it could go wrong and what we're doing wrong while screaming off a list of things in the castle that are breaking."

The older of the Holt's groaned. "Oh, joy."

Pidge then shrugged. "Maybe Allura will teach you how to create a wormhole."

Matthew huffed.

Keith started to back out. "Alright. Uhm, well, I should find Lance now, and... Thank you for... Trying, you know. You tried ans now you're halfway through... That. I don't even know what that is you're doing."

Coran then shook himself out of the shocked trance he was caught in and looked to the pod. "Well, we were adding a system that could, well, do as you had asked, but... We don't need that any more, so... Alrighty, then."

The red paladin nodded slowly, still making his way to the door. "Still, uh, thank you. Thanks, guys. It means a lot, but... Yeah." He then slipped out and let the doors shut.


Allura squealed, screaming giddily as she jumped on her bed. "Yes!" She shrieked, leaping onto Lance. Lance gasped and stumbled, but caught both the princess and his balance. "Wonderful! Fantastic! The best news!"

Lance laughed as he was squeezed tightly and nuzzled by the princess. "Allura!"

"A new member in our team!" Allura scrambled off of Lance, then started pacing back and forth. "We'll need to immediately start making the castle safe for the baby, of course. We need to find clothes and a bed and blankets and toys and- oh, of course we need to find clothes for Keith when he gets a big baby belly. He can't wear he normal clothes and the resting clothes aren't exactly-"

"Allura, calm down!" Lance grabbed the princess, snickering as she threw her arms around him. "Allura, really!"

"I can't help it! I'm so excited! A baby human! My paladin's child!" She pulled back to do another funny little dance as she squealed. The mice squeaked and bounced on her bed.

The blue paladin grinned still, unable to stop once hearing Keith telling him he wants them to be a family. "Allura, have you really been looking forward to this?"

Allura screamed and grabbed Lance to shake him. "Yes! I have!" She then smirked and folded her arms. "I knew Keith would change his mind. I just knew. I was right, like always."

Lance chuckled, tossing an arm around her and kissing her cheek. "I'm sure, princess. I'm sure."

She nodded, then they both looked up as her door opened.

"Keith!" Allura gasped and sprung herself at him. The red paladin yelped as he was engulfed in the Altean's arms. "I knew it, I knew it! I just absolutely knew it and I'm so, so happy for you!"

Keith patted her arm, so she let go. "Thanks." He smiled at her.

Allura giggled, dragging the two together. "Perfect parents." She mused, then kissed their cheeks. "I love you two. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you." Lance hummed, taking Keith's hand. "You were the last we told, so..."

"So I won't be spilling any secrets by screaming it and running up and down the halls?" Allura asked.

Lance gestured to the door and took a step back. "Go ahead."

Allura giggled and bounced before rushing into the hallway before them.

Before she could scream at the top of her lungs, the alarms blared throughout the castle.

The princess slumped, reluctantly turning to Lance and Keith. Lance shrugged with a small smile, then kissed Keith's forehead. "Want to go for one last ride in Red?"

Keith groaned and sagged in relief. "Thank God! I thought you were gonna make me stay behind!"

Lance snorted as they began to run down the hallway. "I'm not that bad of a boyfriend!"


1191 words

4 days.

Or 3.

Depending on where you are.

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