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"Where... is he!?" Keith ground out, gripping the railing Pidge and Hunk installed on the bed they had crafted just for this occation.

"I-I don't know!" Allura scrambled around, trying to make sure she had everything Matthew listed for her. "Holy Quiznak! Matthew needs to hurry up!"

"Matthew!?" Keith snapped, tossing his head back onto the pillows. "Matthew does, but not the father of my baby!?"

"That's not what I- oh, thank every God every in every realm, Matthew!" Allura dashed to the doors as they opened and embraced the freedom fighter. Matthew jolted in surprise. "Come on, come on! I have no idea what I'm doing, but the pain surges-"


"Yes, those, are now only three minutes apart! One is ending right now!"

Matthew looked over to Keith, then gently tugged Allura closer to whisper in her ear. She gasped softly, hands over her chest. "Oh no..." Matthew nodded as Allura cast Keith a worried glance.

Berrie sat beside Keith's head, ears flat as she nuzzled him and meowed softly.

"For now..." Matthew sighed, stepping closer to Keith. "We just do what we can for Keith and Rosie."

Allura nodded, following him. "Just tell me what to do."


"I'm being overwhelmed!" Lance shouted, unable to dodge another blast from Lotor's ship. He grunted, trying to steer clear. "I can't- gah!"

He was crashed into from behind, throwing his lion off balance. "Quiznak!"

Blue flailed as both her and her paladin tried to get her upright and steady while being attacked by fighters and Lotor's main ship. "I can't catch a damn break!"

Lance twisted and forced one lever back. Blue pivoted, lashing her claws out and tearing fighters apart. "Just explode already!"

He swiped his fingers across the dash, the sonic canon building itself up on top of Blue's shoulders. "Fire!" Lance yelled, slamming his fist on the dash. Lotor's main ship and fighters all faltered and sparked, some of the fighters spazzing out and crashing into other fighters.

Lotor's fighter, however, still came barreling at Lance.

Lance clenched his jaw as Blue was shot. He dove down, then spun Blue, activating his ice ray. He froze when he could no longer see the fighter.

"Uh...uhm... Is anyone coming out to help me? Fighters and the main ship are down, but... Lotor is here... I can't find him..."

"I'm on my way, buddy!" Shiro responded. "Pidge and Hunk are staying behind just in case!"

"How... How is he?"

"He's wondering where you are and is kind of in agony."

Lance gripped the controls, teeth grinding as he spotted Lotor. "Damnit... I need to be there for him!"

With a roar, Blue lunged forward to attack.

Lotor skirted around, twisting through a nearby asteroid belt.

"Quiznaking- I can't wait for you, Shiro!" Lance launched into the belt, twisting and turning to avoid the asteroids.

"Lance! Lance, what are you doing!?"

"I'm going after Lotor!"


"It hurts! It hurts so bad!" Keith cried, dropping his head back as he panted quickly, tears already streaming down his cheeks with sweat dotting his forehead.

Ruby and Saphire : Voltron:LD KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now