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Lance gagged and jerked, twitching as electricity pumped with his blood until the prongs were taken from his abdomen. Blood pooled around his tongue, droplets of the deep red staining his bottom lip and slipped from the corners of his mouth.

He still twitched and gasped, heartbeat erratic and painful behind his ribcage.

"That'll subdue you for a good long while." Keith's voice spoke.

Lance felt more tears prick his eyes, dropping his head. He watched his own blood gush from the new stab wound in his side.

Keith's hands cupped his face and his soft lips pressed to Lance's bloody, chapped ones. Lance couldn't find the strength to respond to the kiss, although he wanted to.

Keith vanished. Lance's head fell again, eyelids fluttering.

"Get him to the infirmary to fix that wound." The older druid muttered. "Hopefully this will teach you,blue paladin. I told you there would be consequences for acting out against us. Trial forty-nine will restart tomorrow."

Lance fell limp as his bindings were unlocked, but he was caught by a guard. The guard carried him to the infirmary. He lay Lance back on the table, glancing around for the medic. He leaned down to Lance as he strapped his wrists down.

"They still have no idea about Pike."

The blue paladin furrowed his brows, the statement taking a moment to fully process through his brain. "Wh... What?"

The guard smiled softly. "Keith and Rosályn are alright. The Galrans still have no idea Pike exists. Matthew is keeping me updated so I can tell you."

Lance looked up at him through a blurry vision, then sobbed softly. "They're okay?" The guard nodded, gently patting Lance's shoulder. The blue paladin sucked in a shuddering breath, nodding. "They're okay..."


Shiro sighed softly, carding his fingers through his hair as he stepped onto the bridge. He looked up to the person standing close to the window, swaying with a little toddler fast asleep in his arms.

"Matthew." Shiro's shoulders relaxed and he made his way over. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Sorry." The freedom fighter shook his head, adjusting Rosályn. "She wanted to wait for Gyrian's call with me."

The black paladin nodded, placing his hand on Matthew's back. "And?"

Matthew smiled. "She fell asleep long before he called." Shiro chuckled, but then his stomach fell as a frown forced the smile back. "But... I'm glad she didn't hear what he had to say..."

Shiro closed his eyes and tilted his head down. "Right... I should ask to just get it over with. How is Lance?"

Matthew looked back to the window. "Not good... He's starting to go insane. He's lashing out, seeing things on his own... He's becoming more aggressive and bold. He's fighting back, but he receives severe, brutal punishments because of it. Shiro... Because of this new-found aggressiveness and wit, they're thinking of... Of sending him to the arena."

Shiro jolted, eyes widening. His mouth went dry, heart skipping a beat. "What?" His voice was shaky as he met Matthew's gaze. "They... They can't..."

"They're going to."

"It'll kill him! Especially if Lotor fights in the arena himself!"

"I know... But that's their weakpoint."

Shiro paused, blinking, then searched the shorter man's gaze.

Matthew started to smirk. "That's their weakpoint. Sending him to another planet that houses the arena. I need to get Gyrian back on the line."


Lance swayed and stumbled, tripping over his own two feet as he was yanked and dragged down an unfamiliar hallway.

After his fifty-seventh trial, he was pulled out from his cell. He was cuffed and blind-folded. Lance was promptly thrown into another cell, but on ship rather than in the prison. He scooted and curled into a corner, panting softly with his knees to his chest.

Lance jerked, breath hitching as the ship jerked, taking off too quickly for Lance's weak stomach.

He trembled, listening intently.

The travel lasted maybe an hour when the ship jerked and settled, parking. Lance gasped and shrunk deeper into the corner as footsteps approached.

Lance twitched and flinched as the door slid open.

"Paladin. Time to go."

The blue paladin couldn't see or fight back as his arms wer grabbed and he was yanked up to his feet. Lance bit his lip, grunting as he was shoved forward.

Lance lowered his head and stumbled beside the guards. He panted, feet kicking his own ankles as he walked.

His head jerked up, heart lurching and stomach dropping as he heard cheering and roaring.

"No... No, no!"

Lance yanked and thrashed. "No!" He screamed, kicking up at them.

Both guards seemed unphazed as they continued to drag him.

The paladin jerked in their holds, breathing heavy and fast. "No!"

"-- have a special treat for you today!"

Lance froze as he recognized the voice speaking over the dying cheers. The doors open, and the voices became clearer.

"The infamous Blue paladin of Voltron!"

The roars and cheers broke out again, louder this time. It was almost dephening. Lance choked, jerking despite it being pointless.

"He's been within our prison on Trëd for nearly one hundred and fourteen quintants!" Lotor shouted, voice echoing through the arena. "He's fought against us, alongside Champion! Let us see what he's got!"

Lance gasped and grunted as he was shoved forward and tossed into dirt. He coughed, spitting out whatever had blown up into his mouth. His teeth gnashed together as a heavy foot stepped down on his lower back as the cuffs on his wrists were unlocked and slipped off.

"Weapon? Or no?"

"No weapon!"

"Send him in defenseless!"

"No weapon it is!" Lotor cackled.

Lance blinked, squinting after his blindfold was yanked off his head. He shakily pushed himself up, hearing the gate snap shut behind him.

He froze up, eyes widening at a loud, bellowing roar. His head snapped up, trembling at the beast on the other side of the dirt arena.

It stood at ten feet tall, arms and legs buldging with muscle. Its nails curled and broke, eyes black and beady.

Lance could barely stand. He wouldn't last a second against that thing- especially without a weapon. The beast had what looked like a mace in his right hand.

Lance couldn't move as they stared at one another.

"It looks like the blue paladin needs a little motivation!" Lotor shouted. The crowd growled and stomped in agreement. "Well... I hope he's grateful to us for bringing his daughter to him!"

Lance scrambled to his feet, eyes wide as the beast stepped aside.

Behind him was a small cage.

Rosályn sat inside, curled in on herself and sobbing. The moment she spotted Lance, her blue eyes widened and she scurried forward. "Daddy!"

Lance swore his heart stopped.


1127 words

They have Rosie

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