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Lance breathed deeply, eyes closed, but wide awake. Keith slept soundly, tucked into Lance's chest and arms loose around Lance's middle. The blue paladin gently traced the tips of his fingers up and down Keith's back, his other arm being used as a pillow.

The young paladin cracked his eyes open to look over at Pike, the baby relaxed and curled up under his blanket. Lance glanced over his shoulder, Rosályn still fast asleep behind him.

He smiled softly, relaxing with his chin resting a top Keith's head. Lance hummed happily, carding his fingers through Keith soft, long hair.

Keith sniffed and shifted, nuzzling deeper into Lance's chest.

The blue paladin's smile widened, tucking Keith's hair behind his ear as Keith's eyes fluttered open. Keith smiled and kissed Lance's chest.

"Good morning to you, too." Lance mused softly.

"Morning..." Keith drawled, tilting his head to look up at Lance. "Sleep well?"

Lance shrugged and Keith frowned. Lance sighed softly, shifting to lay on his back and pulling Keith onto his chest. "I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes... I hear them... I see the hallways... The maze... The table... Your blood- Rosie's blood... I know I'm home, now. I know I'm safe, but I can't... I can't stop seeing all of it. I can't stop hearing your screams, or hers. Even Berrie. I watched Berrie die twenty-nine times." Lance gulped and sucked in a deep breath, caressing Keith's hips. "There were times... Where they had an illusion of you torture me on the table." He spoke softly, glancing away. Keith bit on his lip to keep it from trembling as he curled his hands into fists. "He'd kiss me... I was too weak to kiss back, I was bound so I couldn't push away... It was so hard... I didn't know what they wanted me to do, I didn't know how to deal with watching you or Rosie die every day... If I close me eyes, I'll see it all again... I can't do it. I can't, Keith..."

Keith nodded, leaning down to press his lips softly to Lance's. Lance hummed, returning the kiss and pulling him closer.

Keith sniffled and pursed his lips, resting his forehead on Lance's. "I wish I could have found out how to get you, sooner... I should have looked harder for the shield's weakpoint."

"Keith... The shield had no weakpoint. I couldn't get out and you couldn't get in, no matter how hard either of us tried." Lance tangled his fingers in Keith's hair and coaxed him down for another gentle kiss. "I love you... I missed you."

The red paladin nodded, closing his eyes. "I love you, too..."


Lance reveled and sighed as he held his bayard. It felt good holding his weapon again. He cradled it to his chest.

Another comfort was his armor.

His armor never felt better than that moment.

But walking onto the training deck was like walking into a nightmare.

The moment he stepped in, his breath caught. It was dark, making his state worse. He choked and trembled, feet planted in place.

Lance couldn't register his name as he was called.

He felt tight, closed back in.

His heart pounded and he could hear the screams again.

He was vulnerable and weak again. He was starving and panicked. He was forced to do another trail.

Lance screamed and thrashed, leaping away as a hand touched his shoulder. His bayard fell out of his hands as he scrambled and scampered away, dashing back down the hall.

Figures leapt out of shadows, maniacal laughing ringing in his ears.

His lungs burned, blood rushing through his ears.

Lance gasped for breath, screaming and flinging himself back as someone jumped out from a corner.

They reached for him, talking to him, but Lance lashed out at them, crawling back as quickly as he could.

"Get away!" He cried, backed against a wall. "I did what you asked! I did it! Please, get away!"

Lance found a corner and curled into it, fingers curling into and tugging on his hair. "Please, no... Stop... Please..."


It was hours before Lance finally broke from his nightmare. Hours before Keith could hold him and let him sob onto his shoulder.

Lance wept, clinging desperately to Keith. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Keith shook his head, gently petting Lance's hair back. "It's okay, Lance. You don't need to apologize. It's alright."

The blue paladin sobbed, holding Keith tighter. "I'm sorry..."

"Lance..." Keith murmured, his own tears stinging his eyes as he cradled Lance's head to his chest. "Lance, it's alright... It's okay. Stop apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong."

Lance buried his face deeper into Keith, breathing still quick. Keith rocked with Lance, running his fingers through Lance's hair. "I love you... I love you..."

Lance gulped, nodding. "I- I love you... I love you, too..."


813 words

Looks like someone else has severe PTSD on team Voltron.

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