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Slav hummed, trotting down the hallway, up towards the bridge as he swiped and typed away on three different Altean tablets.

As he entered the bridge, Shiro and Allura nearly simultaneously groaned and slumped. However, they kept themselves composed as the overly intelligent creature advanced towards them.

"While I have been calculating several different ways in several different realities on how to improve the teleduv on this ship, the training deck functions seven and twelve started malfunctioning. The green one and yellow one should get on that if you ever wish to train properly. Shiro, did you k,ow that training increases your stamina and strength both by nearly over-"

"I don't care, Slav." The black paladin grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. Slav just shrugged. "Any ways to improve the teleduv in this reality?"

Slav looked up in thought, then back at the tablets. "None right now." He murmured, then paused. "Did either of you see the red and blue paladins?"

Shiro raised a brow while Allura kept her focus on the screens in front of her. "What about them? Did something else happen?"

The creature waved one of his many hands. "Do not seem so concerned, sheesh. Clearly you did not see them. Here, let me pull up the security system."

Slav's fingers flashed across one of the tablets, then he held it up for Shiro to see. "They are different than they have been from these past several quintants. I almost thought I was in a different reality."

Shiro took the tablet and relaxed slightly.

Lance was slouched on the wall, almost like Shiro had seen him the previous night before heading to bed himself. However, Keith was curled up beside him, blanket wrapped over his shoulders and another tossed over Lance's lap. Keith shifted slightly in his sleep, nestling in closer to Lance. The blue paladin shifted, then rested his head on Keith's.

The black paladin rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Keith finally came out of his room."

"To sleep in the dirty hallway where you heathens stomp and run around!" Slav criticised, snatching the tablet back. "If the red one is with child in this reality, that could be bad for it! Also, sleeping like that with a fragile body such as a humans could strain your muscles and the joints-"

"Alright, alright, Slav." Shiro nudged the creature away. "I'll go get them off the nasty floor and into a comfy bed that won't hurt their muscles or joints. Just get out."

Slav huffed. "Rude." He muttered just before the doors shut on him.


Lance hummed and shifted as he woke, sluggishly curling an arm around the warmth beside him to pull it closer. He stretched out his legs, then relaxed and sighed.

"Lance... Lance, are you awake?"

"Hmn?" Lance raised his head and brows, but didn't want to open his eyes. "Yeh?"

A deep chuckle sounded in front of him. "Come on, buddy. You should get up. Sleeping like this isn't good for you."

"Eh's nah?" Lance groaned, rubbing his face to try and wake himself up. "Time?"

"About eight. Breakfast time."

"Breg...fus..." Lance sighed, relaxing back onto the warmth beside him as it nestled closer.

"No no no, don't go back to sleep! Uh, uhm- Lotor is taking Keith!"

Lance jolted, snapping awake. "Bitch, get your slimy hands off-" A low groan and his trapped arm stopped Lance.

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