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Pike, too tired to care who was currently holding him, rested his head on his father's shoulder. He hummed, suckling on his pacifier to keep himself awake.

The seven-month-old nuzzled into Lance, clutching his blanket and whining. At least these arms were familiar and warm. He'd just prefer his mother's arms.

"I know, buddy." Lance sighed, rubbing up at down Pike's back. "You want mom, I know. I do, too."

Pike lifted himself up and twisted to see the glowing, giant tube in front of them.

Keith stood on the other side of the strange barrier, eyes closed and expression relaxed.

The infant already tried getting his mother to hold him, but he didn't wake. So, Pike is letting his father hold him. Finally.

Lance swayed, holding Pike up.

Pike hummed, pointing to Keith and looking back to his father. Lance nodded. "Yeah. Mom has to stay in there, buddy." Pike made a soft noise, then peered back at Keith. "He'll be out in a little while, bud. Just need to be patient."

The baby breathed through his nose, dropping his head back onto Lance's shoulder. He didn't want to sleep, yet. He wanted his mother to hold him, first.

However, sleep won over. He woke a little while later as he was being shifted around and being lain down. Pike blinked slowly, cooing once his pacifier that must have fell out while he slept was placed back between his gums.

Keith smiled down at him, tucking his blanket in. "Mmn..." Pike lazily stretched his hand up, curling and uncurling his fingers towards his mother.

"Hi, baby boy."

"Mm..." He tilted his head into Keith's palm as he cupped his cheek.

It didn't take long before he fell asleep again.


Aneira hummed softly as she swayed with Pike, Matthew on the floor with Rosályn and Berrie. She was now basically a permanent resident on the ship. Pike and Rosályn both liked her very much.

Well, Rosályn's favorite was still Matthew, but Aneira was a close second.

Pike rested his head on Aneira's shoulder, eyes drifting closed and pacifier slowly slipping from his lips. However, once the commons room door opened and his parents stepped in, he gasped, head shooting up with wide eyes.

"Mm!" Pike wriggled and stretched in Aneira's arms until his mother finally grabbed him. He excitedly nuzzled Keith, clutching him tightly ad his pacifier fell from his mouth. "Mommy!" He squeaked, grinning.

Keith brightened up, holding Pike in front of him. "Pike! Me!? Mommy!?"

"Mommy! Mommy!" Pike shouted and kicked, reaching for Keith. He desperately wanted to snuggle back into him.

The red paladin held Pike tightly nuzzling the top of his head. "Pike! I'm so proud of you!"

Pidge huffed, falling onto the sofa. "Only took him long enough."

Lance rolled his eyes, but smiled,  placing his hand on the small of Keith's back.

Pike tucked his face away in Keith's shoulder, clutching him tightly. Keith squeezed him, kissing his head.

Aneira watched fondly, chest warm.


A typical greeting between Galran mates was nuzzling, and purring. Kolivan rarely did either ever, even with his mate.

So, it was a little surprising when Aneria walked into his office and he grabbed her. His purr was deep and ragged as he buried his face into her hair and the crook of her neck. His thick, warm arms wrapped tightly around her, rubbing affectionately.

Aneira purred, softer and more relaxed. She stroked the fur a top his head, closing her eyes. "Vanie." She sang, closing her eyes. He huffed, but still purred, rubbing his nose into her neck. "What is it?"

Kolivan groused and groaned, clutching her tighter. "I know... But I miss you here with me."

The older Galran smiled. "Vanie, you sweet, cute dear..." Aneira kissed his head. "He's my cub... The least I could do for leaving him is take care of his cubs for the short time he is gone. He needs me, so I'm... Taking advantage of that. I finally meet my cub after so many pheobes..."

Kolivan sighed and slowly drew back. "You're gone all the time, but I understand... I am, too."

Aneira cupped his face, then started nuzzling and rubbing her cheek into his and her nose into his ear. "Vanie... Kolivan..."

Kolivan then released her, now only holding her hand in his. "I should have known he was your cub."

She shook her head and rested it on his broad shoulder. "Kolivan, it's okay. That was a long time ago. I wasn't here to point him out."

"He's a great paladin and a wonderful parent, Aneira."

She nodded with a soft smile. "He is... I just wish I could have been apart of his life when he was as little as Rosie."

Kolivan wrapped his arm around her. "You had to go. You had to leave."

Aneira sighed. "I still wish I hadn't..."


Lance hummed, rocking with Rosályn. She fought sleep, her head on his shoulder and her arms tight around his neck.

Keith smiled from their bed, Pike already fast asleep in the crib. "She's still awake."

"I know." Lance groaned softly rubbing her back. "Ro, pequeña princesa, I love you so, so much but you need to go to sleep." 

Rosályn whined nuzzling into him. "Don't wanna..." She sniffled, gripping him tighter.

Lance sighed. "Baby girl, I'm tired. We had a big fight today, and I just wanna sleep."

She shook her head. "No, daddy..."

He breathed deeply as Keith laughed. "I'm laying down." He grumbled, moving around the bed. Rosályn whimpered, crying softly as she was pried off and lain on the bed.

Once Lance laid on the bed beside her, she clung to him. "Daddy..."

Lance hummed, wrapping his arms around her. "Honey... Baby girl..."

Rosályn nuzzled back into him, shortly falling asleep. Lance shook his head.

Keith wiggled until he laid as well, scooting closer. "I love you, Lance."

The blue paladin smiled. "I love you, too, Keith."

The red paladin hummed as Lance threw his arm over his waist, drawing him closer to sandwich Rosályn. "Get some sleep."

"On it..."


1018 words

I decided that since you all seemed to ship them that they'd be together.

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