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Lotor slouched in his seat, staring blankly out the large window.

Stars flickered in the distance, his generals silent and still. He breathed deeply through his nose and sat straight. He didn't react as the doors to the bridge of his ship opened and boots thudded on the floor.

The footsteps stopped beside his seat.


Said Galran hummed in acknowledgment, tilting his head slightly to the side.

The Galran soldier cleared his throat, squaring his shoulders. "We had intruders on planet Trëd."

Lotor groaned softly, eyes rolling. "So? Why is this important?"

"Two escaped, two were captured." The Galran continued, gulping afterwards. "The two captured are Kolivan, the Blade of Marmora's leader, and the blue paladin."

Lotor snapped his head up, blinking in surprise. "The blue one? Are you sure?"

The Galran commander nodded. "Yes. We have the blue paladin locked in a cell with Kolivan."

A small, amused and interested grin curled Lotor's lips. "Separate them immediately. We don't want them coming up with plans to escape." Lotor turned back to the window relaxed and suddenly giddy. "I still wish to pursue the red one, and this gives me way."

"So... Kill the blue paladin?"

Lotor hummed, tapping his chin. "Zethrid?"

"I'll blow him to bits if you'd like me to."

The Prince chuckled, closing his eyes. "No, no... What's worse than death?"

Zethrid glanced down, then back up. "Seeing your loved ones hurt."

Lotor turned back to the commander. "There... Torture him. We can't exactly bring in the little one or her mother."

"What if they come back for the blue paladin?"

"If they think he's dead, they won't."

"But the blue lion-"

"Oh, right. I forget the lions will come to their paladin's aid... She won't get through the shield. She can't. It's impenetrable. I guess just... If she becomes too much, shoot her until she shuts down."

The commander nodded. "Yes, sir. Vrepit sa." He saluted, then marched back out.

Ezor tilted her head, leaning forward. "What are you planning, Lotor?" She sang with a smile.

He hummed again, closing his eyes. "I'm going to pry Keith from them and towards me..."


Keith closed his eyes as he swayed with Pike. Rosályn wrapped around leg, nose buried in his thigh. Keith reached down, running his fingers through Rosályn's hair.

"I want daddy." Rosályn muttered.

He breathed deeply, resting his cheek on Pike's head. "I know... I want him, too."

"Does Pike?"

"Yes. Even Pike wants him."

Rosályn squeezed his leg. "Videos?"

"You want to watch the videos?"

"Yes." Rosályn slowly let her mother go. "Can I?"

Keith smiled softly. "Alright... Lets go watch some."


"This is the thirtieth video you've taken."

"So? I don't see numbers, babe. I see quality."

Ruby and Saphire : Voltron:LD KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now