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"Hey, Pike! How old are you!?"

Pike giggled at the camera, holding up four fingers.

Lance chuckled. "Not quite, little buddy."

The toddler blinked, looking down at his hand. With his other, he pulled down his pinki, then flashed the camera a grin and three fingers.

"There you go!" Lance and the other paladins laughed, the Alteans smiling fondly.

Pike giggled more and clapped. He gasped, eyes blowing wide open as uncle Hunk came in, carrying a large cake. "Cake! Cake, mommy, cake!"

Keith grinned, kissing Pike's cheek. "That's your cake! Uncle Hunk made it just for you!"

The three-year-old grinned, bouncing excitedly as the cake was placed in front of him. "Whoa! So big, uncle Hunk!"

"Well, you're getting so big, yourself, bubba." Hunk mused, ruffling the toddler's curly hair. "So, I thought I'd make a big cake for a big boy."

Rosályn whined from her chair beside Pike. "I want a big cake, too!"

Lance kissed her head, handing off the camera to Hunk. "You can have a big cake on your next birthday." He told the five-year-old as she pouted. "Just ask uncle Hunk when it comes up, okay? You don't have to get upset, princess."

"Okay, daddy." Rosályn sighed, then bounced into Lance's lap, grabbing for the plate of cake and ice cream headed her way. She giggled, carefully taking the plate and settling into her father's lap. "Thank you, uncle Hunk!"

Hunk grinned at her, then ruffled her curly, raven hair. "You're very welcome, sweetheart!"

Pike had immediately dug into his plate, ice cream and icing smearing the tip of his nose and his cheeks.

Keith laughed at him, grabbing for a napkin. "It looks like you got more of it on your face than in your mouth, bubba!" Pike whined and wiggled as his mother wiped at his face.

"No, Mommy!" He cried, trying to pull Keith's hands away.

"I am not letting you run around with this all over your face, baby boy." Keith mused, kissing his forehead once he finished cleaning him off.

Pike huffed, slapping his hand on his plate. Keith raised a brow as Pike raised his hand.

Lance hummed warningly to the toddler. "Don't you do it, Pike. It might be your birthday, but you will still get in trouble."

With a challenging glance at his father, Pike smacked his own cheek.

Hunk and Allura gasped. Matthew, Shiro and Pidge all burst out laughing. Coran hud a chuckle behind his fist, Aneira doing the same.

Keith scowled at Pike, Lance biting back a big grin. "You, young man, are going to your room after a nice, long bath."

Pike gasped, eyes shooting wide. "No!" He cried, grabbing for the napkins as Keith stood up and grabbed him. "No, mommy! I clean it!" He furiously rubbing at the icing and ice cream on his cheek as he was carried away.

Lance burst out laughing as well as the dining room doors closed behind Keith.


Keith hummed along to Lance's song, leaning on him as he gently stroked Pike's curly hair. Pike curled up in his bed, fighting sleep.

Once Pike finally gave in, Lance and Keith slowly stood up, Keith taking Lance's hand in both of his. "I love him so much..." Keith murmured, resting his head on Lance's shoulder.

Lance smiles softly, leading him out of the toddler's room.

They walked the few steps across the hall to get to their room, then paused as the door opened.

A large lump had formed itself in the middle of their bed.

A smaller lump detached itself from the main cluster and wiggled out to an opening. Berrie meowed once her head breeched through the sheets.

Lance chuckled as Keith sighed. The blue paladin snuck over and sat on his side of the bed, peeking under the covers. "Rosie," He crooned with a soft smile. "What are you doing in mommy and daddy's bed?"

Rosályn scuffled under the covers, peeking up at Lance. "I... Had a bad dream..."

Keith sat on the other side of their daughter. "You only slept for ten minutes, Rosie."

Lance smiled and raised the covers to get under them himself. "Can you tell us what your bad dream was, sweetheart?"

The five-year-old shuffled up and nuzzled into her father's chest. "You were gone again..."

"Gone again?" Lance echoed softly, running his fingers through her hair as Keith frowned. "Gone where, pequeña princesa?"

"Bad place... You got hurt..."

Lance nodded and hummed, reaching over the pillows to grab Keith's hand. "Well... I'm okay. I'm not in a bad place, and I'm not hurt. I'm right here, holding you... Aren't I?" Rosályn slowly nodded, relaxing. "You can stay in here tonight just to make sure, okay?"

Keith smiled softly as Rosályn nodded again. "You sweet girl..." Keith mused, leaning over to kiss her head. He curled himself up underneath the covers, wrapping his arms around Rosályn's middle.

The blue paladin reached over to wrap both of them in his arms. He kissed their heads, gently caressing Keith's waist.

The red paladin carded his fingers through Rosályn's raven hair.

"Hey, Lance...?" Keith murmured, closing his eyes.

"Yes, mi cariño?"

A wider smiled slowly tugged Keith's lips upwards. "I want another baby..."


878 words

More talk of another baby.

I think it's because of that fact that I have a big family and want my own big family is why I write stories with big families, or just families in general.

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