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Exhausted, worn out, beat... None of it could accurately describe how Lance felt.

Rosályn lay cradled in his arm, sucking on a pacifier as she stared up at her father. She hummed, fingers curled into his shirt.

" Sí, sí, te quiero también, nena."* Lance sighed, shifting her in his arms. He lay down, laying Rosályn over his chest. He rubbed up and down her back, humming a soft tune.

"She wake up again?" Keith groaned as he shuffled closer, pressing his nose into Lance's shoulder. Lance grunted as a response.

Rosályn stretched her arm out as she looked to Keith. She whined until she curled her fingers into Keith's hair. With her other hand, Rosályn patted Lance's chest.

"How is she so awake?" Lance whispered, unable to keep his eyes open.

Keith hummed, bringing his head up to rest on Lance's shoulder. Lance pulled his arm up, then wrapped it around Keith's shoulders. Keith sighed, relaxing. Rosályn gently tugged on Keith's hair, her hand tangled deeper now that he was closer and she didn't have to stretch to reach.

"Hi, sweetheart." He murmured, lifting his hand up to let her wrap her other hand around his finger.

Rosályn sucked on her pacifier loudly, big eyes searching Keith's face. She cooed quietly, finally drifting asleep to her father's gentle humming and her mother's soft breaths.


Shiro chuckled as Lance dragged himself into the bridge, shirt backwards and crinkled, fly down, and shoes untied. He rubbed his face as he slunk over to his seat.

"Tired?" Shiro mused, sitting on the armrest of his seat.

Lance groaned, sinking. "So, so tired. Rosie refused to sleep last night, and she'd scream whenever I put her down. I didn't want to wake up Keith, but he ended up waking anyway, and then I tried getting all of us to sleep. When Rosie finally did sleep, Keith fell asleep, too, but Keith was on me. I tried to move so I could go lay her down, but then she woke up and started crying again and just- ugh, I basically got no sleep last night. Or the night before. Or the night before that."

Pidge perked up from her seat. "I'll take her for a night."

The blue paladin shot up, eyes wide. "You will!?" He shouted, voice cracking. Everyone else laughed. Pidge nodded. "Yes! Sí, sí, thank you, oh my God!"

"By the way, bud, your shirt is backwards and your fly is down."



Rosályn screamed and screamed, face red as Keith bounced and rocked her.

"Rosályn Olivia, calm down..." Keith patted her back. "It's okay, it's okay..."

"Is she alright?" Hunk asked, sitting up. "She hungry?"

Keith shook his head. "She just had a whole bottle, her diaper was just changed, she's slept, she isn't warm or anything. I don't know what's wrong."

Shiro sighed, standing up. "Let's pass her around. Maybe she wants someone specific to hold her."

"Yeah..." Keith muttered, letting Shiro take her.

Rosályn shrieked, so Shiro quickly handled her over to Pidge. She calmed for a moment, then screamed again and tried pushing away. Allura stole her away and gently cradled her as she hummed. Rosályn pouted, whimpering, then wailed, kicking.

Hunk stood and took her, shushing and rocking. Rosályn's face was a bright red as she bawled, tiny hands in tight fists. Matthew took her from Hunk, murmuring and starting to sing.

Rosályn panted, looking up at Matthew. She whimpered, looking up at him with big, watery eyes. Once she realized he wasn't who she wanted, she started screaming all over again.

"Oh, God, Rosie." Keith groaned, taking her back in his arms. "Rosályn Olivia, sweetheart. What is the matter, baby girl?"

The intercom clicked and Coran's voice came on. "The blue paladin has returned!"

Rosályn stopped, eyes wide as she looked up. She hummed, sucking on her bottom lip as she looked expectantly around the room.

Everyone groaned.

"Of course."


Rosályn's head rested on Lance's shoulder, fingers curled into his shirt, and fast asleep. Lance swayed as he listened to Shiro went through the plan.

Pidge leaned on Lance's side, swaying with him. She peeked up at the baby and snickered softly. "It looks like I'm not the only one who finds this incredibly boring."

Lance chuckled as Shiro shot Pidge a look. "You think it's so boring, then you present it."

The green paladin shrugged, straightening up. "Alright."

Matthew leaned back, nudging Shiro. "Prepared to be shown the most extravagant, loud, and most complicated presentation you'll ever see."


"How was she, today?" Keith asked as Lance handed Rosályn over to him.

"Good. Didn't cry." Lance muttered, then groaned as he collapsed onto the bed. Keith laughed at him. "I get to sleep tonight since you slept all day."

"Alright, alright." Keith mused as he swayed. Rosályn sniffled and nuzzled into him, her eyes drifting shut.

Lance hummed, relaxing into the mattress.

He was so close... So close to sleep. Sleep was right there. He was holding it-

"Paladins! Lotor is attacking!"

Both Lance and Rosályn were startled away, Rosályn whimpering and gripping Keith's shirt.


"Go on, Lance. I'll get her back to sleep."

Berrie meowed at Lance, poking his head. Lance huffed.

"I'll be back." He stood up and kissed both Keith's and Rosályn's foreheads. "Stay here."

Keith hummed with a smile. "Can't go anywhere else, stupid. Get out there."


896 words

Was gonna be longer, but... I couldn't seem to make it.

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