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Keith sighed, unable to fix the jacket as he lightly bounced Rosályn. She gurgled, fist between her gums. He grunted as he adjusted her, fixing the drooping sleeve. Rosályn cooed, then rubbed her nose into Keith's shoulder.

"Oh- gross, Rosie. Thanks, sweetheart, for all that snot. I really wanted that."

Berrie meowed amusedly from the sofa beside Pidge. Pidge snickered, but didn't look up from her laptop.

Both paladins in the lounge looked up as the doors opened. Shiro, followed by Hunk and Matthew, stepped in. Keith curled his fingers into Rosályn's blanket as he met Shiro's gaze.

"Lance will be waking, soon." Shiro murmured as Pidge stood up. Keith gulped, but then let Pidge carefully take Rosályn.


Keith waited impatiently in front of Lance's pod. His jaw clenched, eyes flittering around anxiously.

Lance had been closed in the pod for nearly an entire week, and Keith was tired of it. He was tired of waiting, tired of worrying about everything that could go wrong.

He just wanted Lance.

The red paladin jolted, but then shuffled forward as the pod opened and Lance swayed. Keith took Lance's hand, placing his other on Lance's shoulder to steady him. "Hey..."

Lance slowly blinked, then smiled softly. "Hey, darling..." He whispered. Keith beamed, wrapping his arms around Lance's shoulders eagerly. Lance hummed, returning the embrace. "Where's our little girl?"

"Safe with Pidge and Berrie." Lance murmured, carding his fingers through Lance's hair. "So let's get you dressed and lay you down, okay? You're probably hungry, too."

"Sounds great, Keith."


Keith frowned as he watched Lance, Rosályn humming in her crib. Lance stood in just his jeans, holding his arm out.

The blue paladin glared at the twisted, raised skin. The healing pod was able to repair most of him, but not the worst of it which was on his left arm, his left shoulder, and across his abdomen.

Keith stood up, then paused as Rosályn began to fuss.

"Baby girl..." Keith sighed, reaching down into the crib to scoop her up. 

Rosályn continued to pout and whimper, her cheeks red.

"What? What is it? What's the matter?" Keith crooned, rocking back and forth. He glanced up to Lance as she got worse.

Lance had turned to look at them with a sad, distant look in his eyes.

Hesitantly, Keith stepped closer, raising Rosályn slightly. The smallest of smiles raised the corner of Lance's lips as he reached for her. Rosályn went straight from near-screaming, to curious and cute.

The blue paladin hummed softly to her, Keith relaxing as the sight before him.

Suddenly, Rosályn made a shrill, absolutely giddy noise as a grin split across her face while she looked up at her father.

Both Lance and Keith froze. Tears built up in Lance's eyes as he laughed softly, bringing Rosályn as close to himself as he could get. "My beautiful little princess." He chuckled, raising her up to litter her face in sweet little kisses.

Rosályn squeaked joyfully, her hands patting Lance's face.

Lance reached out and gently pulled Keith into an embrace. Keith was quick to nuzzle into him, placing a hand to Rosályn's back. "I love you so, so much. Both of you."

"I love you, too." Keith murmured, smiling at Rosályn as she grinned toothlessly back, her dark eyes sparkling.

She squeaked, nuzzling Lance's neck and patting his shoulder with her little fist. Keith rested his head on Lance's other shoulder. Lance rubbed up and down Keith's back, pressing a kiss into his hair.

"What did I ever do to deserve either of you?"

"I could answer that." Keith mused.

Lance huffed, resting his cheek on Keith's head. "I know, so please don't. You'll ruin the moment."


"That smile, that smile!" Allura squealed happily as she nuzzled Rosályn's cheek. The infant squeaked, curling her fingers tightly in Allura's hair. "You're absolutely the cutest little thing I have ever seen!"

Rosályn grinned, beating her little fists on Allura's shoulders.

Lance and Keith smiled fondly as they watched Allura play with their daughter. Keith finally had enough of not holding her and took her from the princess. Allura pouted, but waved and grinned at the baby.

"Hey, sweetheart." Lance crooned as she nuzzled into Keith's shoulder. She hummed as she peeked up to her father. Lance smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

The baby squeaked and grinned, tucking her face into Keith's neck. Lance chuckled as Allura giggled. Keith hummed, rubbing Rosályn's back. "I think it's time for another nap." Keith murmured as Rosályn cooed.

Lance kissed Keith's cheek. "Alright. I have to stay out and help Coran. I'll see you later."

Keith nodded and tilted his head up to kiss Lance. "Alright. I'll see you soon."


788 words

Short but sweet, so...

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