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Keith couldn't help but giggle as Berrie pounced on his belly every time Rosályn would kick. Her long, fluffy tail curled and flicked giddily, black eyes wide in excitement.

Berrie spun in a circle, leaping up as Rosályn kicked again. Berrie mewled, fur fluffing out as she batted her paws on Keith's belly.

The red paladin laughed. So did the person beside him as they filmed.

"This is some of the best stuff I have ever seen! So adorable! Aye, dios mio, I can't wait until my little princess is finally here! I can't wait to show her these videos!" Lance grinned brightly, holding up the Altean recording device to tape every moment.

Keith reached over, taking Lance's free hand. "I can't wait, either. I mean, I'm excited to finally be able to fight again, but I just want to finally hold her. After everything..."

He looked up from Berrie to see the recording now focused on him. His cheeks went bright red and he thrust his hand over the device. "No! Stop it!"

Lance laughed, rocking back. "But you're so cute when you have that look on your face! You just look so happy!"

"Well, I am!" Keith shouted, his hand now shielding his face.

The blue paladin chuckled softly, leaning forward. "I love you."

Keith peeked through his fingers over at Lance. He smiled, but didn't lower his hand. "I love you, too, doofus."


Pidge, Hunk, Allura and Matthew all cooed and giggled at the new video, Shiro and Coran just watching with a small smile while Lance sat giddy and proud.

Once the video ended, everyone began to disperse. However, Allura stayed behind to talk to Lance.

"Exciting, isn't it?" She mused, taking his arm. "You're going to be a father any day now, Lance."

Lance bit his lip, but smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm nervous... It's kinda scary, especially with what we do and with how young we are, but... Yeah, it's really exciting. I just hope nothing bad happens."

Allura tucked a loose lock of hair behind Lance's ear. "You'll be an amazing father. I'd know. I had a pretty amazing father, myself."

She winked, causing Lance to laugh. He quickly embraced the Altean and kissed her forehead. "Thanks, Princess. I'm sure Rosie will love you."

"Oh, I hope so!" Allura pulled back, eyes sparkling as she looked up at him. "I'll simply be the best aunt in the universe! I will!"

"I believe it!" Lance grinned. "But for now, you have princess duties to keep up with."

"Oh, right!"


"Any day now, Keith! Any day!" Lance paced, hands in his hair. "Mi pequeña princesa will be here any day now! Keith, what if I'm a bad dad? What if she hates me!?"

Keith rolled his eyes, grabbing Lance's wrist as he came by for the umpteenth time. "Relax, Lance. I should be the one panicking, not you. I'm the one trying to prepare myself to push another person out of my gut."

Lance sighed as Keith forced him to sit on the edge of the bed. Berrie meowed from her fort, poking her head out. Lance groaned, deflating as he lay on Keith's chest. He hummed softly, relaxing as Keith gently carded his fingers through his hair. "Sorry..." Lance murmured, reaching up to grasp at Keith's overly large shirt. "I know."

"Just try to survive these next few days, doofus. You'll be okay." Keith mused, stroking over Lance's cheek. "We'll all be fine. You, me, and Rosie."

Berrie meowed.

"And you, too, Berrie."

Lance tilted his head back to look up at Keith. "Hey... Let me do your hair. Please?"

Keith blinked, surprised. He reached up and pinched the tips of his long raven hair. "You going cut it?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Not... Not really..."

"Then no. I'm not going to cut it. I just kinda wanted to braid it. Maybe French braid. It's long enough now for that."

The red paladin slowly shrugged. "I don't... See a problem, then."

Lance grinned and sat up. "Yeah? Sweet!" He leapt up and darted into their bathroom to snatch Keith's brush and a hairtie.

Keith laughed and scooted up so Lance could sit behind him. Lance shuffled in, adjusting pillows as he went. Once settled, Keith relaxed, humming as Lance brushed his hair back, gently. "I'm thinking... Of just letting my hair grow out."

"Yeah?" Lance carded his fingers through Keith's hair after setting the brush aside. "But what about hand-to-hand combat?"

"My hair will be up, plus the helmet." Keith felt Lance gently tug and twist his hair. "Maybe I'll keep it in braids."

Lance chuckled. "I'll teach Rosie everything I know about braids, then. Doesn't hurt, does it?"

"Not at all... Feels good." Keith leaned closer to Lance. "Rosie has been pretty calm, today... I've felt her a couple times, but she's mostly just... Relaxed, I guess."

"Well, that gives you a small break before the whole birth part."

Keith snorted, swatting Lance's knee. "Jerk. Don't remind me... Do you think I'll be a bad mom?"

Lance tied off the braid, then wrapped his arms around Keith's shoulders. "No. I think you'll be wonderful. You'll be a great mom, Keith. I mean, nine months ago if you had asked me that, I would have laughed in your face." Keith groaned, rolling his eyes. "But, you'll definitely be an amazing mom."

"Mkay..." Keith smiled softly, placing his hands over Lance's. "I love you."

"Love you, too." Lance tilted his head and sweetly kissed the nook of Keith's neck.


Lance groaned and stretched, then relaxed back in his pilot chair. "So exhausted." He leaned forward and typed on his dash.

Just a few ticks after Lance put in the call, Shiro responded. "Lance? Where are you!?"

"I just finished the mission, dude." Lance yawned. "The Kaujan people are free and ready to speak alliances. Also, their food is great! There was this food- they taste like pizza bites-"

"Lance, Lance! Did Allura ever call you!?"

The blue paladin blinked, then shook his head. "No... Nope, why?"

Shiro groaned, rubbing his face. "It's Keith!" Lance jolted, eyes widened. "His water broke three hours ago!"

"What!?" Lance yanked the controls, then forced them forward. Blue lurched forwards, her boosters in full throttle. "Why didn't anyone tell me!?"

"I'm telling you now, so hurry up!"

"I'm hurrying- gah!"

Blue roared, Lance nearly flying out of his seat as something rammed directly into the lion.

"Lance! Lance, what happened!?"

Lance grunted, arms shaking. He looked uo, then his eyes widened slowly. "Lotor..."


1099 words


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