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Pike seemed to be the only one unannoyed by Slav. He could sit and listen to Slav go on and on about other realities, analysis- all sorts of crap.

Rosályn, however, refused to stay in the same room as Slav for more than five minutes, even if she was with someone else.

So, Pike was left with Slav and Hunk on the bridge, Hunk fast asleep in his chair with the two-year-old placed in his lap. Rosályn was having a girl day out with Auntie Pidge, Auntie Allura, and ma'amie Aneira.

Keith and Lance took this time to rest, curled up together in their shared bed. Their legs tangled together, arms wrapped loosely around each other. Lance slept soundly, snoring softly into Keith's long, raven hair. Keith's eyes were closed, body relaxed.

He hummed softly, tracing circles with his thumb into Lance's bare chest. Slowly and gently, Keith began to trace the scars. Across Lance's skin. The burn scars, scars from old battles, scars from new ones. Scars from his time on Trëd and the arena.

Scars everywhere.

Keith sighed softly, his happy mood diminished. His eyes fluttered open to examine each scar with his eyes.

What would Lance's family think when they finally see him? Would all these scars scare them? How does Lance think of himself seeing these scars everyday?

The red paladin breathed deeply, shifting. He untangled his legs and rotated himself within Lance's arms. His back pressed to Lance's chest. Keith relaxed against, entwining his fingers through Lance's.

He glanced over to the wall where the crib was pushed inside, hidden away.

The crib was no longer in use. Rosályn was moved into her own room, Pike into the room beside hers.

Keith honestly somehow really wanted another baby. However, he was started on a form of Galran birth control just in case and it proved very effective. Also, he was already out so long with Rosályn and Pike, he knew he should wait longer. He shouldn't keep putting Matthew in Red and leaving Red without her true paladin.

He also knew, as one of Voltron's best hand-to-hand combat fighters, he shouldn't stay out of the field too long as well.

But he missed that baby feeling. That feeling of a baby resting in his belly, depending on him. That feeling of his newborn swaddled in his arms for the first time.

Keith supposed he just loved the feeling of someone depending solely on him. He loved the feeling of a new life he created in his arms. Keith loved that feeling of being a mother to such a small little being he and the love of his life gave... Well, life to.

Just the thought of it, the memories resurfacing, that warm, giddy feeling of holding his newborn baby came sparking back to him.

But, months ago, Kolivan had told him these feelings, the desire to have another baby, was just his Galran instincts coming to him. With the babies, he's had more than just them to show he's Galran. Just the last month, his eyes changed from his natural dark violet to a bright golden hue. They changed back eventually, and Aneira said it was nothing to worry about. He started to have pain in his lower back, and Kolivan said he could be growing a tail. So far, no patches of fur or fluffy ears sticking out of his head.


The red paladin hummed, smiling softly and closing his eyes as his waist was gently squeezed, and soft, sleepy kisses pressed over the nape and crook of his neck. "Have a good nap?" Keith mused, placing his hands on Lance's forearms.

Lance sighed, resting his cheek on Keith's head. "Yeah... You?"

"Mhm..." Keith tilted his head, smiling wider as he got a peck to his cheek. "Wanna get up or stay in bed?"

The blue paladin groaned, squeezing Keith tighter. "No, I don't wanna move!" He whined, rolling over to his other side with Keith held tightly to his chest, still. Keith laughed, clinging to Lance's arms and curling his legs. "Bed is so warm and comfy, and I get to keep my Keith-y in my arms." Lance huffed, burying his face into Keith's messy hair.

"Alright, alright!" Keith grinned, wiggling to face Lance with a grin. "Okay... We'll stay in bed."

Lance yawned, then grinned lazily. "Okay..."

Keith hummed with an absentminded smile, cupping Lance's cheeks. He brushed the pads of his thumbs under Lance's eyes as those bright blues steadily fluttered closed. Lance's breathing steadied out again, his bare chest slowly rising and falling with each east breath.

Keith shook his head. "You big dork... What am I going to do with you?" He softly pressed a kiss to Lance's barely parted lips. "I love you..."


801 words


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