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Interesting thing about Billie May...

She can purr.

Maxine Lily can't.

But it was just the strangest thing. Lance was holding Billie like normal, cradling her to his chest. He spoke quietly to Pike and Rosályn, Keith laying sick in bed.

Maxine was in the crib, fast asleep. Child sleeps like her father.

Lance adjusted Billie to lay her on his shoulder and patted her back. She gripped his shirt, nuzzled into him, and the soft, kitten rumbling started.

The blue paladin was taken off guard.

He blinked several times, Keith sitting up to find that noise.

Pike and Rosályn giggled, crawling over to them, reaching up to pet and pat Billie.

"She a kitty like Berrie!" Pike laughed, the feline peeking out from her fort as she was mentioned.

Berrie meowed and leapt up onto the bed, tail swaying and ears perked.

Billie yawned, arms curling around her head.

Rosályn tilted her head, grinning widely. "Daddy, she's so cute!"

Lance smiled and chuckled, looking to Keith. Keith shrugged and smiled, leaning on Lance's free shoulder. "Must be the Galran genes."

Billie continued to purr softly, cracking her eyes open to look at her older siblings and the feline. She cooed, curling and uncurling her tiny fingers.

Pike tried to mimic the purring, but it didn't seem to be working for him. Rosályn just kept fondly petting Billie's head.


Maxine loved hair. That was her favorite. Keith found out the hard way.

"Ow! Ow, ow- baby girl!" Keith yelped, trying to pry Maxine's fingers out of his hair, but she was locked in.

Lance burst out laughing and came over to help once he was sure Rosályn was okay with Billie. He lifted her up and took each finger, one-by-one, out of Keith's hair.

Keith huffed and massaged his scalp. "Is there a chunk missing?"

The blue paladin chuckled, laying Maxine on his shoulder. "Nope. Really pulled that hard, huh?" He mused, gently carding his fingers through Keith's hair.

He groaned and rolled his eyes, but leaned into Lance's touch.

Maxine cooed, trying to grab a hold of Lance's hair, but was unable to reach. He kissed her head with a chuckle. "Alright, little bug. It's almost feeding time for you two."

She looked up at him as he lay her down in his arm and brushed his knuckles over her cheek. "Ah..." Maxine curled her legs up.

Keith shook his head and pet hers softly. "You are too cute..."

Maxine yawned and curled her arms around her head, nuzzling her face into Lance's chest.


Watching Billie sleep was amusing. She curled up tightly, knees tucked underneath her, her face buried in her hands. Maxine lay on her back, completely stretched out with her hands beside her head and legs barely bent.

Billie purred softly in her sleep, curling her fingers into her cheeks. Lance smiled as he watched them, Keith laying on the bed with Rosályn and Pike tucked into his chest.

"I'm so happy..."

Lance looked back to Keith. "Yeah?" He walked around to his side of the bed and lay down. "I'm glad."

Keith smiled, running his fingers through Rosályn's hair. "I love her... I love all of them... I'm so happy I changed my mind."

Lance reached over, scooting closer to card his fingers through Keith's hair. "Me, too..."

The red paladin closed his eyes, sighing and relaxing comoletely. So easily, he fell asleep.

Lance continued stroking Keith's hair, watching him sleep peacefully with Rosályn and Pike held close to himself.

Pike snored softly, spread out as much as he could get. Rosályn curled up tight into Keith's chest, soft little breaths coming from her. The twins slept soundlessly in the crib.


That was the only word that Lance could use to describe it. Describe the feeling, the view, the moment. His children, the love of his life and the Biladi.

Berrie meowed and jumped onto the bed, purring loudly as she curls up into the nape of Lance's neck. He chuckled softly, closing his eyes.

"Good Night..."


675 words

Fluffy ending.

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