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Lance could have sworn he was woken. He was woken at some point, and he's pretty sure it wasn't a dream.

He squinted as he looked around the lounge, then stood up and stretched.

The blue paladin jumped and pivoted at a shrill scream.

"Dada!" Rosályn ran, holding her arms up.

"Hey, pequeña princesa!" Lance swooped her up, confused but grinning. She squealed, grabbing his face to nuzzle him.

"Dada, dada!" Rosályn giggled, squeezing him and kissing his cheek. "Luff you, luff you!" Lance laughed, returning her kisses.

"Love you, too!" Lance tightened his hold on her, chuckling as she squeaked. He glanced up to the doors, pausing as he spotted Keith. Lance relaxed slightly and tried a small smile.

Keith returned the smile.

Lance relaxed completely slumping and dropping his head. Tears built up in his eyes as he rubbed Rosályn's back. He tilted his head back up, grinning brightly at Keith.

Even it was just a little smile, Lance still felt like his whole damn world was coming back together.


Lance sang as he danced with Rosályn, Rosályn giggling as she swayed with her father. She squealed as he dipped her, clinging to him.

He laughed, kissing her face all over as he pulled her back up.

Rosályn clung tightly to him, squeaking as she giggled. "Dada, dada!" She quickly and tightly wrapped her arms around his neck. "Dada, no!"

Lance chuckled, lifting his head so she can tuck hers under his chin. "Mm, my sweet little girl." He mused, swaying.

Keith watched from the sofa, Berrie and Rosályn's Weblum in his lap.

Rosályn peeked over Lance's shoulder to her mother. She grinned brightly, reaching towards him. "Mommy! Mommy, here!"

Lance turned to face Keith, Rosályn twisting to keep her sparkling eyes on him. Lance smiled softly, leaving all the asking and begging to Rosályn.

The red paladin smiled and lifted Berrie and the Weblum off his lap. "Alright, alright. I'm coming."

Rosályn squeaked as her mother came closer, bouncing on Lance's hip.

"I'm here, Rosie. Now what?" Keith mused as he raised his hand for her to take.

The little girl hummed, looking up to her father. She tried to hum a tune and she swayed.

"Dance?" Lance asked, grinning. "You want mommy to dance with us?"

Rosályn's eyes brightened more if possible, nodding. "Dan'!" She squeaked, tugging on Keith's hand.

Lance held his free hand out to Keith. "May I?"

Keith placed his hand in Lance's, drawing himself closer. "You may." Keith rested his head on Lance's free shoulder, wrapping his arms around the blue paladin's middle. Lance's arm wrapped around his shoulders.

They began to sway, Lance singing softly again. Rosályn nestled back into Lance, curling her fingers into his shirt.

Lance closed his eyes, resting his cheek on Keith's head. Keith relaxed, breathing in Lance's scent.

"I love you, Lance." Keith murmured, rubbing his back.

The blue paladin kissed his hair. "I love you, too, Keith. I love you, so, so much."

Keith teared up, smiling as he reached up to run his fingers through Rosályn's hair. She rolled her head to peek at him, grinning. "Hi, mommy."

"Hi, baby girl." He whispered, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.


Keith yawned, nestling into the warmth beside him. Arms wrapped around him, a soft hum sounding.


Both Keith and Lance groaned, Keith more loudly.

"Alright, alright." Keith pushed himself up, Lance squeezing him before letting him go. Rosályn giggled, bouncing as she gripped the railing. "I'm coming, Ro-Ro."

Rosályn stretched her arms up to Keith. He leaned over and picked her up with a sigh. Rosályn instantly grasped him and nuzzled him, waving to her father.

Lance smiled lazily, returning the wave as she giggled. "Morning, sweetheart." He blew her a kiss. She attempted to mock the gesture with an already matching smile.


Instead of eating, Rosályn decided to be the dinner entertainment.

She danced and sang and bounced on the table, just like any excited, bubbly one-year-old.

The paladins and Alteans and Matthew all laughed as they watched, cheering her on. Lance, of course, being the supportive father he was, was the loudest.

"That's my girl! Work it! Work that diaper! Get it, baby!" Lance shouted, grin so wide it looked like it hurt, his eyes sparkling so brightly. Rosályn giggled and squeaked, waving her arms up as she spun around. "Whoo!"

Keith fell back in his seat laughing, eventually stealing her off the table and squeezing her. "My baby girl is a star!"

Rosályn squealed, nuzzling into him and gripping his shirt. "Mommy, mommy!" She giggled.

He littered her little face with kisses. "Oh, my precious little girl!"

Lance fell back into his chair, reaching over to ruffle Rosályn's hair. "Now that all that energy is out-"

Abruptly, the castle jolted and shook, the lights flickering.

Everyone gasped, Keith grasping Rosályn tighter and Lance's arms flying around them to keep them safe.

Allura and Coran hurried out, followed by Shiro.

The others quickly gathered themselves. Matthew hurried to Keith and Lance.

Rosályn whimpered as she was handed over to Matthew.

"It's okay, sweet heart." Keith murmured, kissing her forehead. "We'll be right back."

She slowly nodded, letting Matthew hold her as her parents rushed off with one glance over their shoulders to her.


886 words

Bum bu-da da!

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