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Rosályn rested peacefully, laying on Berrie. Berrie curled protectively around her purring softly to keep her asleep.

On the other side of the door, Galran hybrids squabbled about what to do.

"The kitty is so mean, Lotor! Look what she did to my arm!"

"Huh, yeah! And that thing was muzzled! Imagine what kind of awesome damage she could do without the chains and muzzle!"

"Quiet, you two. Narti, do you think you could have-?"

Narti shook her head, stroking down her cat's back.

"Alright, all of you quiet." Lotor sat back in his chair, thumb and knuckle pinching the bridge of his nose. "If either of those things wakes up, we'll never get them quiet again."

Ezor stepped up, hands on her hips. "What are we going to do with them anyway? What was the original plan?"

Lotor stared forward, hand on his chin. "We were going to kill the child and the beast. However, it seems we may have underestimated that thing. Also, the noise that child makes is ungodly."

Ezor shrugged. "I think it's kinda cute when it's asleep. She does look so much like the red paladin. However, I don't think she looks anything like Champion."

The Galran Prince raised his brow at her. "Were you not there when we figured out that she wasn't the Champion's?"

"Must not have been." She huffed. "I thought it was weird seeing the blue paladin spending so much time with her and the red paladin."

"Keith." Lotor mused, looking up. "Keith. Odd name, but it suits him. What's the child's name?"

"Rosályn." Axca answered, gesturing to the door.

"Interesting name. Wonder why they chose it."


Ezor giggled as she watched the baby and the cat-like creature from the other side of the door. "Aw! The kitty is playing with the baby! Come look, it's so cute!"

Zethrid huffed as she glared into the room. "The feline is a creature of destruction. Why is it playing with a child? It should be tearing it to shreds."

Axca stepped up to peek through the window. "She's protecting the child. She wouldn't hurt her unless the child attacks her true bond; the red paladin. However, why and how would this small child attack its mother?"

The larger hybrid huffed. "And I suppose it would be an unfair fight, wouldn't it?" She breathed deeply, watching as the baby focused on the long furs of Berrie's long tail.

Berrie meowed, grooming Rosályn's hair and keeping wrapped tightly around her.

Ezor then pointed. "Is that a collar on the kitty's neck?"

Acxa narrowed her eyes. Lotor looked up. "What is it?"

"The collar." Axca ground out. "We have to get it off... There could be some kind of tracker on it. We can't have the paladins finding us, can we?"

Lotor hummed, looking forward. "If you consider that possibility, you should,also consider the possibility of a tracker being inside her body, or even Rosályn's. I doubt the collar has a tracker. They'd never take her or let her off the ship so she could protect Keith and Rosályn. Leave the beast be. If the paladins arrive within the varga, then I'll believe the tracker theory."


Berrie curled her tail around Rosályn, purring softly and nuzzling her as she screamed. Rosályn wailed, tears rolling down her chubby, bright red cheeks. Ezor stood in the doorway, trying to shush her without getting closer.

"It's okay, Ross! That's her name, right?"


"Right! It's okay, Rosályn! Calm down, now, before Lotor gets angry."

"It's too late for that."

Ezor whined,covering her ears as Rosályn got louder, shaking. Berrie's ears flattened back against her head, rubbing her cheek against Rosályn's.

"I don't know what to do!"

Narti came in, nudging Ezor aside. Berrie growled as she stepped closer, flashing her fangs and claws. Narti reached down with warnings from Berrie and Ezor. She held up Rosályn, then cradled her to her chest. Berrie watched dark, narrowed eyes. Narti turned to Ezor with a gesture.

Berrie trotted around to keep Rosályn in her sights. Ezor came closer, then gasped as Narti placed her hand on the back of her head.

"She needs a bottle of that formula and she filled the thing the paladins call a 'diaper.'" Ezor spoke rather monotone as Narti controlled her until she was done. Ezor grunted as she fell onto the nearest wall for support. "Did you have to?"

Narti nodded.

Axca sighed, turning to Lotor.

Lotor glanced back to Narti. He chuckled as he spotted Berrie glaring up at Narti, tail flicking impatiently. "Since we can't kill it, may as well get necessities."


"Hush, hush! Uhm, uh, uh- what do I do!?"

"Shut it up, Ezor!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do, Axca!?"

"It's been fed, its diaper changed and clean, she's with her Biladi, what else could there be!?" Zethrid hissed, her hands over her ears.

"Try getting it to sleep." Lotor ground out.

Ezor perked up. "Oh! Okay! Uh, sleep, sleep sleep! It's time for baby to sleep!" She sang, horribly off-key.

Axca clenched her jaw. "I'm not sure what's worse..."

Rosályn wailed, stretching her arms up. Lotor saw this and groaned. He got up and nudged Ezor aside. "She wants to be held." He held his hands up as Berrie growled at him. He crouched in front of them, Rosályn's cries dying down to whimpers and sobs as his shadow cast over her. "I won't hurt her, beast. I just want her to shut up."

Berrie eyed him as Lotor carefully picked her up. He slowly stood up, Rosályn calming down. Lotor and his generals all sighed in relief as she calmed completely, sucking on her fingers as she looked curiously up at him. "Good child." He muttered, then tilted his head to Berrie.

The feline stood and followed him to his chair. He sat, adjusting her in his arms. Berrie leapt up onto his armrest. Rosályn cooed through her spittle and fingers.

Ezor giggled, peeking,over his shoulder at her. "She could join our crew, you know. She's a Galra hybrid, like us. With Paladins as parents, she's bound to be strong, just like you." Lotor hummed, studying the child's face. "You have a lot in common." She mused.

Lotor huffed. "I'm not sure I want a child on my crew."

The pink hybrid shrugged. "Just suggesting."

"Lotor." Zethrid turned to the Prince. He grunted in response. "The varga is almost over, and still no sign of Voltron."

Lotor raised his gaze. "Do they really care for this child then?" He asked, tucking Rosályn closer to his chest.

Axca looked up, about to speak when a bright light cut through.

"Quiznak!" Ezor yelped.

The screen flashed, Lotor growling at the familiar face. "Champion."

Shiro narrowed his eyes, lips set in a straight line. "We'll be taking our family back now, if you don't mind, your majesty."

Rosályn cooed and kicked as she spotted the familiar face, Berrie purring and raising her head triumphantly.


1169 words

I just had to make a whole chapter out of it.

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