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"I want to get rid of it."

Silence wrapped around them. Lance didn't realize he was trembling, his eyes wide and stinging. His breath caught in his throat.

Lance blinked back the tears, gaze searching the hallway. "Y-you what?" His voice broke.

"I want it gone, Lance." Keith ground out. Lance could hear the anger festering in Keith's voice. "I want it out of me. I never asked for this!" Lance's chest tightened, stomach twisting. "I need to fight! I need to be out there! Not rotting away in here with this- this- this thing!"

The blue paladin jolted in shock, shocka few tears slipping free. Lance scrambled to his feet, spinning to face the door. "K-Keith, you don't mean-"

Keith threw something and Lance nearly flung himself to the other side of the hall. "I want it gone! I want it out! Like you said, it's holding me back!" He started to scream.

"Gone...?" Lance's voice cracked as he leaned on the door.

"Gone! Dead! Non existent! No more!"

Lance felt the tightness in his chest grow with each word. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. "B-but-"

"And I don't care how!" Keith slammed something against the door. Lance stumbled back, holding his arms up almost defensively. "I just want it gone!"

The blue paladin shook. "You really... Want them gone?"

Keith groaned loudly in exasperation. "Yes!"

Lance closed his eyes and tried to even out his breathing. "Okay..." He raised his head. "Okay." Lance spoke louder. "If you're sure."

"I'm damn sure I want this thing out."

Lance flinched. He breathed deeply, covering his eyes with both his hands as he tilted his head back. "Alright... I'll do... Whatever I can, okay? I'll-I'll find something... I will..." He couldn't seem to find it in himself to be able to stop the torrents streaking down his cheeks or the soft, nearly silent sob that broke from his lips.


Shiro stood up as Lance came sauntering into the training deck, practically dragging himself.

"Lance?" Hunk murmured as the blue paladin stopped near then. "Buddy, what's wrong?"

Lance raised his shoulders and forced a smile as he looked up at Shiro. "He wants to get rid of the baby."

Hunk, Pidge, and Allura all scramble to their feet, eyes wide. "It-it isn't possible!" Allura stammered. "We have no way of that in the castle! A-and it's wrong! He shouldn't get rid of the child!"

The blue paladin shook his head. "That's what he wants, Allura..." His gaze fell to the floor. "He said he wants them gone. He doesn't care how, so long as they're gone."

Pidge stepped closer to him. "But... Is that what you want?"

"It's what Keith wants." Lance muttered, rubbing his face. "It doesn't matter what I want if Keith wants them gone."

"Lance, what you want does matter." Shiro reached forward, placing his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Talk to him about it."

"I did." Lance gulped. "I-I told him... I'll find a way..."

Hunk stepped forward. "Why? Why would you say that if you don't want that?"

Lance shrugged, looking up to his best friend. "I'm just... He was screaming. He was throwing things. I'm not going to make him go through everything if-if it really hurts him this badly."

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