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"I've been here for a month, now!"

"I know."

"I'm almost eight months pregnant with your child, you know!"

"I do know, Keith. I know, and I'm so sorry... It's coming along, but so slowly." Lance sighed. "I want to see you. I want to see you and talk to baby Rosie."

Keith slowly sat on the edge of his bed, tears in his eyes. "It's so hard to sleep... None of the baby stuff is here-"

"Keith, Keith! Don't talk like that, baby. We'll have you back on the ship before she's born, okay? I promise."

The red paladin leaned back on the headboard. "Okay..." He reached over and pet the blue Biladi. She meowed, her long, thick tail swaying. "I really miss you."

Lance hummed softly. "I miss you, too."

"... I helped more with sword practice, today. Afterward, we shared some stories."

"Yeah?" Lance mused. "That's great. Matt's getting pretty good with Red. Matt still thinks she doesn't like him, though. She doesn't talk to him. Makes him figure things out on his own."

Keith smiled. "Sounds like Red... Rosályn is getting all worked up hearing you, again." Lance laughed softly. "I think she actually misses you."

"I miss you, too, princess. No, not you, Allura. Yes, Rosie. Yeah- what? No- I'll explain later. Well, Keith... I think I need to go. The others are getting impatient with me."

"Alright." Keith sighed, looking down to the Biladi. She mewed quietly, nuzzling Keith's belly. "Call when you can."

Lance hummed. "I will, sweetheart." Keith couldn't stop the smile that spread on his lips or the soft blush on his cheeks. "I love you, Keith."

Keith closed his eyes. "Love you, too..." He whispered, then heard the click of disconnection. Keith tossed the device to the other side of bed and watched as the Biladi pounced on it. "Come here, Berrie."

Berrie raised her head, her large, pointed ears flicking. She purred, trotting across the mattress. Meowing, Berrie crawled onto Keith's lap, then curled up on his belly. Keith strokes her silky soft fur, softer than any animal he's ever felt on Earth.

The cat-like creature closed her dark eyes, relaxing. Keith sighed, resting back on his pillows.

"You know, Berrie... I miss Earth..." The cat meowed softly back, her little toes curling.

One thing Keith loved more about Biladi's than actual cats is the fact that they don't knead their razor sharp claws into your skin. Instead, their tiny toes curl and uncurl.


Keith hummed as a warmth brushed over his cheek, waking him. "Berrie... Stop it..." Berrie meowed tiredly from behind Keith.

A soft chuckle sounded not so far off as warm fingertips brushed over his cheek and tucked loose strands of hair behind his ear.

"Keith... Keith, wake up." A soft voice murmured before lips pressed gently to his nose.

"No... Jus' a few... more minutes..." Keith squeezed his pillow tighter.

Berrie purred as she crawled over Keith. She meowed again, toes curling as her chin was scratched. She sniffed the newcomer a few times, then decided he was alright. "You really did get a cat, huh?"

Keith hummed, shifting. He then groaned as the baby kicked a little too hard. "Ow, Rosie..."

"She kick?" The other person mused, palm flattening over Keith's big, swollen belly. Keith nodded, relaxing back into the bed. "She too much trouble, already?"

"No..." Keith sighed, eyelids fluttering before cracking open. A small smile curled his lips. "Hi."

Lance smiled back, crouching beside the bed with his chin resting on his arm. "Hey, sweetheart. Ready to go home?"

Keith nodded. "Yeah."


Keith leaned on Lance most of the way to the castle and up to their room. Hunk carried Keith's things, Berrie trotting behind them. Ryner had given Keith a rather large bag of things Berrie needed if she was leaving with them.

Berrie wasn't too keen to be taken away from Keith. She hissed and growled, both rather frightening because both were louder and more guttural than an Earth cat's hiss and growl. One of the servants now have a nasty cut, deep across his forearm.

Everyone decided it was safer for Berrie to go with Keith and the baby. Keith did feel better that she was with him.

Ryner also sent a few simply worded Olkari books with him.

"I can't believe they actually taught you to read and speak in Olkari. That's so unbelievably unfair." Pidge grumbled, helping Keith set up Berrie's area in the corner of his room. Berrie meowed beside Keith, playing with a toy made especially for Biladi's. It looked like just a fluffy purple ball with a tail, but a little head and four little legs stuck out when it squeaked.

Keith smiled. "I only know a little bit. Just enough to have a short, friendly conversation with someone who doesn't understand our language. I could try to teach you a few words."

Pidge grinned, sticking out her tongue as she popped two pieces of what looked like pipe together. "That'd be cool!"

"Oh, that pieces goes over there to support the second level."

"Alright... Like that?"

"Hmm, yeah. I think so."

Pidge nodded. "Sweet... I can't believe a cat gets a whole house to itself. I have to share a bathroom with all of you nerds."

Keith laughed, then groaned and leaned in, pressing a hand to his belly.

The green paladin paused and looked up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Keith blew out, shoulders relaxing. "She just kicked really hard. Shit... Up- I need up."

Pidge snorted and stood, dusting off her shorts. "Alright, fatty."

Keith huffed, taking her hands. Both grunted with effort as they pulled him to his feet. "She just stomped on my blatter."

The green paladin burst out laughing, surprising Berrie as Keith waddled to his personal bathroom. "Yeah, yeah. Fuck you, Pidge."

"Mm, no thanks. Not with that giant belly."


Berrie meowed, stretching. She curled up against Keith's chest, nuzzling into his neck. Keith smiled at the ticklish feeling of her whiskers brushing over his skin.

Lance, who's arm was already tossed over Keith, reached up to pet Berrie. "Good kitty..." He muttered tiredly.

Keith hummed, reaching up to weave his fingers through Lance's. "Goodnight, Lance."

"Night, babe."


1041 words

Listened to S&M and Bon Appétit while writing this.

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