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Hunk screamed and flung himself out of bed as he was frightened awake. He groaned, now sprawled across his floor and tangled in his blanket. "Oh, come on..."

"Wake up, buddy!" Lance shouted, leaping into Hunk's room as the door opened. "Keith's been pregnant for six whole months, now! Ye-ah! Ha ha!" Lance pranced back out into the hall and resumed screeching at the top of his lungs and running. 

"Whoo-hoo..." Hunk waved a hand, then let it fall back to the floor.


Lance clung to Keith all day, despite Keith being extremely moody. Lance did anything Keith asked him to do so happily.

Close to evening, Lance sat beside Keith, arm around his shoulders with a hand on Keith's swollen belly. Keith relaxed against Lance, resting his head on Lance's shoulder. Both his hands rested over his abdomen.

The others relaxed across the sofa, worn out from rigorous training.

"This is nice." Lance murmured, placing his chin a top Keith's head. Keith hummed in agreement as everyone else waved a hand or groaned.

Keith caressed his belly with a soft sigh. "Lance... I'm worried."

The taller paladin hummed and shifted, taking one of Keith's hands. "About what? What's wrong?"

"I haven't felt the baby kick or anything." He tucked his face into the crook of Lance's neck. "What if something's wrong?"

Lance pressed a gentle kiss to Keith's head. "It's okay, Keith. Every baby is different. Maybe ours is just lazy."

"Speaking of babies!" Pidge launched herself up, flailing to grab onto Hunk before she fell off the couch. She scrambled to her feet, then proudly puffed out her chest. "We're almost done with the thingy we're creating for you two!"

The blue paladin looked up at Pidge and raised a brow.

Keith shot up, waving an arm. "Pidge, Pidge!" He shouted, realization coming over her features.

"Oh, right! Uh, bye!" She pivoted and scurried out of the lounge.

Lance blinked, then looked down at Keith. "What was that? What thing for us?"

Keith shook his head. "Nothing. It's nothing. Let's go, I'm starving."


Relaxed on their bed, Keith read from an Altean tablet Pidge had translated to English. Lance sprawled out beside Keith, bored.

Sighing, Lance shuffled and sat up. "Alright."

Keith raised a brow, peeking up at Lance. Lance placed both his hands on Keith swollen belly. "You're technically six months old now, little buddy. You're getting bigger and bigger everyday. Thing is, little dude, you're worrying your mommy. Wanna give daddy a little kick?"

Keith watched amusedly as Lance kept focus on his baby bump. He placed his hands over Lance's after setting the tablet aside. Lance shifted and lay down, propped up on his elbows while keeping his hands on Keith. "Come on, baby. Just for me?" He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Keith's belly. "Please? Come on, sweetheart! ¿Sólo una patada?"*

"They don't understand English, what makes you think they'll know Spanish?" Keith huffed, curling his fingers around Lance's hands.

Lance pouted, rubbing Keith's belly. "I'm their daddy." He kissed again. "Please? Come on, sweety. One teeny-tiny little kick?"

The red paladin shook his head with a smile. "You dork."

"I know!" Lance wriggled closer. "I'm gonna sing! Want me to sing? Eh, you can't respond, so I'm gonna anyway." Keith laughed, dropping his head back on the headboard. At first, Lance hummed.

Keith closed his eyes as Lance began to sing softly, resting his forehead on Keith's baby bump. Keith hummed along to the tune, raising one hand to card through Lance's hair.

"Ow!" Keith gasped and jerked as Lance jolted back in surprise.

They both blinked owlishly, exchanging a shocked stare.

"They... They kicked..." Lance muttered, then broke out into a grin. "They kicked! The baby kicked! Do it again, do it again!" Lance shouted, pressing the side of his face and both of his hands onto Keith's belly. He giggled, curling his fingers into the loose shirt Keith wore as the baby kicked again.

Keith smiled brightly, hand over the side of his belly Lance hadn't taken over. "I can feel them, Lance! It kinda hurts!"

Lance pushed himself up, nuzzling Keith's cheek as he wrapped an arm around him. "That's our baby kicking, Keith! That's our baby!"


Lance couldn't wipe the grin off his face as Keith lead him through the halls. "So, where exactly are you taking me, hm?" He asked, wanting to take off the blindfold. "Does it have to be a surprise? I don't think it's my birthday."

Keith chuckled softly, squeezing Lance's hand. "Yes, it has to be a surprise, and no, it's not your birthday. Ah. Here we are."

The red paladin lead Lance through open doors.


"Hey, Pidge! Is Pidge my surprise?"

"Yeah, we're ready."

"So, Pidge isn't my surprise? Then what is? Can I take off the blindfold, now?"

"Shut up, Lance." The green paladin huffed. "Here, Keith. I put some blankets and pillows here to make it slightly more comfortable. Put Lance here."

Keith pushed Lance, then forced him down into a chair. "Don't worry about me, I am only slightly confused." Lance mused as he listened to the other two shuffling around.

"Shirt up."

"Why shirt up? Keith, why is your shirt going up and I can't see!? I've seen it before! Why can't I now!?"

"Lance, calm down. You'll see in a minute." Keith murmured, petting Lance's hair, then taking his hand.

Lance pouted, but squeezed Keith's hand and felt around for Keith's shoulder. Once he found that, he leaned over to rest his forehead on him. "Why are you laying down, now?"

Keith huffed amusedly. "Be quiet for just a moment, will you?"

The blue paladin whined, scrunching his nose, but didn't say another word.

After a few more ticks, Pidge(Lance assumed) flipped some switches and typed on something. "Okay... Five, four, three, two, and..."

A slow, steady beating replaced the sound of voices. Lance blinked, raising his head. "What...? Is-is that...?"

Keith gripped Lance's hand tighter. "Oh my God..."

"Here's your surprise, Lance." Pidge murmured, turning Lance's head before untying the blindfold.

Lance's eyes widened, jaw slack as his shoulders slumped forward. "That's... That's..."

"Our baby..." Keith finished for him, tears in both their eyes. "That's our baby, Lance."

Pidge skirted around them to look closer at the screen without getting in their way. "Look... Look here." She pointed as the baby moved. "You're having a-"


1081 words

What're they gonna have, hmmm?

¿Sólo una patada? = Just one little kick?

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