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Keith blinked owlishly, staring down at Lance. He snorted, then clutched his stomach as he burst out in laughter. Lance bit his lip, tugging on the sleeves of his jackets.

"Nice- nice joke!" Keith stifled his laughter behind his hand. "Okay, seriously." He cleared his throat. "What's going on with me?"

Lance sighed and pushed himself back to his feet. "Keith..." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I'm not joking. Ask the people who read Altean. They're the ones who told me."

Both paladins stood still, Lance scuffing the floor. Keith started to shake, eyes widening. "W-wait... So... So I'm- I'm really..."

"Pregnant." Both red and blue paladins jolted and pivoted to face the door as Pidge waltzed in. "Knocked up. You got a bun in the oven. Pink plus sign on the stick." She didn't look up from her laptop.

"Pidge!" Lance shouted.

The green paladin shrugged. "Shiro told me to make sure you two were still alive. He also wants to know how long and how you've managed to keep it secret."

Lance hurried over to her and began to push her out. "Please, Pidge, you're not helping at all!"

"I was just clearing it up. He seemed confused." She muttered and Lance hurried to shut and lock the door.

Then slowly, Lance turned around to look over at Keith.

Keith was shaking badly. "I can't... Lance, tell me you're lying! I can't be pregnant! It's- it's not possible!"

"Then why are you freaking out so badly, Keith?" Lance rushed back to Keith, but the red paladin pushed him away. "Keith-!"

"I'm freaking out because it'll be a baby!" He shouted, glaring up at Lance. "I'm not going to be able to fight for nine months! And after that, I have to stay in the castle and take care of it, leaving you guys with all the missions and battles- we're not going to be able to form Voltron!"

"Keith, I-"

"Also, you decided to break whatever we had off!" Lance flinched as Keith got up in his face, finger jabbed into his chest.

"Because I thought it would be best, Keith." Lance murmured. "I thought that... I wanted to make it easier if something happened to me..."

Keith's expression softened, then he fell onto Lance. "You ass." He wrapped his arms around Lance, tucking his face in his shoulder. "Just... Just, please... Tell me it's a lie... Tell me we're not over..."

Lance hesitantly placed his hands on Keith's waist. "Keith... I wouldn't lie to you... You've had morning sickness, Keith."

The red paladin shook his head, gripping onto Lance. "I-I can't... I can't, Lance..."


Lance sighed, leaning against the door as he sat. He pursed his lips, looking up as Shiro stopped in front if him. Shiro raised a brow and folded his arms.

"Keith figured out how to lock the doors." He explained with a gesture over his shoulder. Shiro hummed and nodded. "He only opens the door if it's Hunk with food."

Shiro slowly joined Lance on the floor. "So... Will you tell me how this happened, or are you going to try and keep the rivalry act?"

Lance hit his head on the door, looking up at the ceiling. "We got bored on that mission... Uhm... With that planet with the bat people." Shiro chuckled with a gesture to continue. "So, we played gay chicken."

"Gay chicken lead to a baby?"

"I'm getting there." Lance muttered, waving at Shiro. "Anyway, Keith kept asking how it goes, and I told him winner gets to choose if we play seven minutes in heaven. Well he kinda won gay chicken, and wanted to know how to play seven minutes in heaven."

Shiro hummed with a slow nod. "So..."

Lance rolled his head and raised his shoulders. "So, things got a little steamy and we went over seven minutes and we weren't in a tight space."

"Was that the only time?" Shiro mused.

The blue paladin sighed again. "Yeah. Swear it. Keith hasn't wanted to do anything since. All we've done is kiss and cuddle since. Oh, and act like we still hate each other when someone else is around. Occasionally, we'd hold hands."

The older paladin nodded as he looked forward. "You're still young, Lance. Both of you. You're both also fighters. Keith more so than you. So, you know why Keith's acting like this? This holds him back."

"And I-I feel responsible for that, Shiro! I did this to him! I'm holding him back!" Lance dropped his head into his hands. "This is why I tried to stop us."

Shiro glanced down to Lance, now concerned. He placed his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Tried to stop? When?"

Lance groaned. "A couple days ago. Before we found out he's... I told him that we should stop because... If something happened to one of us, it'll be harder to move on. It'd be harder to fight." Lance bit his lip and carded his fingers through his hair. "I hold him back. I drag Keith down. He's better than me. I didn't want to do that to him anymore. So I told him we should stop. I didn't want him hurt because of me."

He then scoffed and pushed himself to his feet. "And now look what I've done."

"Lance, you couldn't have possibly known this was going to happen." Shiro stayed sitting, but he straightened up and watched Lance pace back and forth. "Going at it on a mission was a mistake, yes, but how on Earth were either of you supposed to know Keith could have ended up with your child?"

Lance visibly flinched as he halted.

Shiro sighed and stood. "Lance... Maybe trying to cut it off with Keith wasn't a good idea, even if this didn't happen. You two were happy, right?" The younger paladin pursed his lips, but nodded. "You deserve that. Both of you." Shiro grabbed Lance's shoulders. "War isn't the best time for relationships or for children or anything. But, Lance... Who knows when we'll return home? Who knows when our next chance to be happy will come and go? Lance, take the happiness while you can. If Keith makes you happy, stay. Keith will stay with you if you make him happy."

Both if them breathed deeply, then Shiro brought Lance in for a side-hug and rubbed his arm. "It's going to be hard, juggling battles and a baby."

Lance huffed with a small smile. "I know. I'm an uncle."

Shiro chuckled and ruffled Lance's hair. "I don't think that's the same, but okay."


Lance stopped by Keith's room everyday when he wasn't training or eating for the next week.

Well, he also left those three times to help in battles, and also that once to help with negotiations for an alliance with a planet full of spiked people.

But, Keith never came out of the room. He didn't even respond as anyone tried to talk to him.

Until the end of the week.

Lance was talking about everything that happened on the strange planet with strange people when Keith's abrupt, and cold, statement stopped him dead in his tracks.

"I want to get rid of it."


1202 words



And another update.

Four updates in two days.

Man, I have too much time on my hands.

And too much trouble sleeping.

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