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Now at a whole year and seven months, Rosályn could choose her own favorite uncle, and that currently was uncle Matt.

Probably because she spent more time with him and he let her play with his hair like her mommy did. He also protected her and she felt super safe with him, like when she was with her parents. He played with her, taught her new words, and even fixed her Weblum when she accidentally ripped one of its legs off.

Uncle Matt was also cool, because he brought her presents whenever he'd return from where ever he vanishes to. Dada said he went to a base.

Not that Rosályn knew what that was, she was just excited for another present.

Rosályn squealed as she ran to her shortest uncle, giggling as he swooped her up.

"Ro-Ro!" He greeted, kissing her cheek. "I missed you, too!"

"Present!" She squealed, reaching over to the bag slung over his shoulder.

"Ah. Priorities are straight. Give me a second, sweet heart." He set her down, chuckling as she bounced giddily.

Matthew crouched in front of her, shrugging the bag off. "Alright, now this present you have to ask your parents for."

Lance and Keith both raised their brows and folded their arms.

Matthew reached into the bag, then pulled something out. Rosályn's eyes lit up as she gasped. She shrieked, stomping and reaching up for her new present. "Knife! Knife!"

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Lance shouted, scrambling over. "She's not even two yet! You can't give her that!" He shouted, picking up his daughter.

Keith hummed and took Rosályn from Lance and the small blade from Matthew. "It's a nice blade. Where is it from?"

"Oh, dios mio."

"It was actually in scrap." Matthew stood back up, leaving his back,on,the ground for Berrie to scrounge through. "The sheath, too." He held up the blade's scabbard. The leather-looking material was worn and slightly faded, but sturdy. The belt attached to the scabbard had the same material, holes punctured for several different sizes.

"It's a nice gift. Rosie can't have it now, but we'll definitely keep it for when she can."

Lance jerked back, looking at Keith with wide eyes. "It's a knife!"

Keith shrugged, looking over Rosályn to Lance. "So? I have a knife."

"You're an adult! She's a baby!" Lance gestured wildly.

The red paladin rolled his eyes, taking the sheath from Matthew. "Thank you. Rosie seems to like it and I like it. Lance can get over it."

Matthew chuckled folded his arms. "Alright. Where's Katie?"

Keith stepped closer to Lance. "Up in the bridge with Shiro and Allura."

The freedom fighter smiled and nodded. "Alright. Thanks."

"It's a KNIFE!"


"I don't see the big deal." Keith mused, playing with the blade with Rosályn in the bowl of his lap. "If it's in the sheath, she can't hurt herself or anyone else."

"It's still a knife! She'll get it out and could potentially kill herself with it!" Lance shouted, voice rather very high-pitched.

Keith sighed softly, looking up at Lance. "I think it's nice that Matthew got her a weapon. As it's been pointed out many times before, we're in a war. Rosie should be able to defend herself with something."

Lance threw his arms up above his head. "She's not even two years old! We should be the ones defending her! She can't have a knife!"

The red paladin rolled his eyes. "I'm obviously not going to let her have it until she knows how to handle it properly. We'll just have it for when she can have it."

"Keith!" Lance snatched Rosályn up. She squeaked and giggled, snuggling her father once she was on his hip. "It's a fucking knife. She's not even two. That thing will be rusting in a corner. I do not like this 'gift.' I don't want her having it. You can have it. Rosie can't."

"But it was a gift for her. Not me." Keith set the knife and it's sheath down as he stood up. "Lance, calm down. I'm keeping it away from her. I'm not letting her touch it until I know she can handle it."

"I'm not going to calm down. I can't believe Matthew thought that'd be a good present for her." He huffed, setting Rosályn on the floor by her pile of toys.

She squeaked and threw herself into the pile.

Keith groaned, grabbing Lance and pulling him close. "Lance, stop it. Calm down. She's alright. It's something for her to hold onto just until I can teach her." He reached up to card his fingers through Lance's hair. "It's okay. We'll just hold onto it until you say okay. Alright?"

Lance sighed softly and nodded. "Alright. Alright, okay." He wrapped his arms around Keith's waist. "She can't have it until she's at least ten."

Keith laughed, dropping his head onto Lance's shoulder. "Alright, if you want. I actually thought you were going to go longer than that."

"Well, as you said, we're in a war and she needs to defend herself with. Ten seems fine... Ish..."

The red paladin hummed, patting Lance's chest. "I'm proud of you."

Lance nodded, swaying them. "I still don't like it. I don't even,want to think about her handling a gun; my weapon. I just don't like picturing her fighting... Or even growing up."

Both of them looked down to the baby messing around in her toys.

"She's our little baby girl... I don't want her to grow up at all. It's hard to think about her growing up."

Keith smiled softly. "I know... But she has to grow up. We can't exactly stop her growth. We just need to be there for her until she doesn't need us anymore."

Lance frowned deeply. "I don't want that day to ever come... I want her to always be able to come to me... I want her to know that I'll always be here for her whenever she needs me. I want her to always need me for something. Comfort. Advice. Anything and anytime. She'll always be my little girl, and I want her to know that. Always and forever."

The red paladin bit his lip to keep from grinning, warmth spreading through his chest.


1045 words

The perfect father will always love his little girl, no matter what or how old she gets.

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