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Keith hummed happily, relaxed on the bed, Rosályn laying over his large belly. "Do you want a brother or a sister?"

Rosályn hummed, rubbing Keith's belly. "A... A sis." Rosályn answered firmly, patting the large baby bump. She squeaked and giggled as the little being inside kicked.

Lance yawned as he walked in. "My three favorite people!" Berrie meowed, leaping up onto the bed. "And my favorite kitty."

"Hi, daddy!" Rosályn peeked at him, but kept herself over Keith's belly. "Sis is movin'!"

The blue paladin laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed beside Keith. "Your sister is moving, again? Are you sure they're a girl?"

Rosályn nodded, rubbing and kissing Keith's belly.

"How about, tomorrow, for your birthday, we find out if you're having a brother or a sister?"

The little girl gasped, sitting straight up. "Yes!" She shouted, leaping to her feet. "Yes yes yes!"

Keith and Lance burst out laughing.


Rosályn kept her eyes glued to the screen, holding her mother's hand. Her father rubbed her back, chuckling softly.

"Are you ready to see you little sibling?" Pidge sang and she started up the device. Rosályn nodded rapidly. She laughed. "Boy or girl, Ro?"

"Girl!" She squeaked, looking up to Pidge with bright eyes.

Pidge grinned, moving out of the way of the screen. "Happy birthday, Ro. There's your little sibling."

Rosályn gasped, scrambling over Keith's legs to get closer to the monitor. She giggled excitedly, turning back to her parents and pointing. "Baby!"

Lance picked her up. "Yeah. Look. Here's their head and their arms, their legs and... Ooh." Lance chuckled, looking back to Rosályn. "Sorry, honey. You're not having a sister."

Keith's eyes lit up as he sat up. "Really? Lance, are they really a boy!?"

The blue paladin grinned, leaning over to kiss Keith's cheek. "You're having your boy."

"A boy?" Rosályn asked, glancing back to the ultrasound. She pouted and sniffled. "No... I didn' wan' a boy..."

Pidge laughed at Rosályn as she started to sob, dark blue eyes welling up with tears.

"Oh, honey." Keith crooned, though he couldn't wipe away his bright grin. He held up his arms and Lance lowered their daughter into them. "Sweetheart..." He chuckled as she nuzzled into him, sniffling. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I know you wanted a sister, I know."

Rosályn whimpered, curling her fingers into his shirt. "I-I wan'ed a sis'er..." The two-year-old muttered, as her mother ran his fingers gently through her hair.

Keith kissed the top of her head, but kept his eyes on the screen. "I know you do, Ro-Ro."

Lance rubbed her back. "Pequeña princesa, don't worry. He'll be the best little brother. I promise."


Rosályn gripped her Weblum tight, glaring as her things were taken out of her crib. That was her crib. They shouldn't be taking her things out to replace them with her stinking brother's things. He wasn't even out yet.

Auntie Pidge said that brothers suck. So did uncle Shiro, uncle Hunk and even daddy once said it.

If everyone though brothers sucked, why couldn't she have a sister? Uncle Matthew said sisters were great.

Berrie tried to play with her, but she waved the Biladi aside. Rosályn was being too upset with her parents to want to play with the feline.

However, she did let Berrie curl up around her. She giggled as the feline flicked her tail to her nose. "Berrie!" Rosályn squeaked with a big grin.

Berrie purred, resting her chin on her paws. The feline was proud of herself for getting the little girl to finally smile.


Kolivan always made Rosályn curious. He had fur, unlike everyone else she knew. Not only did he have fur, but it was super soft. She liked to pet him when he'd hold her. Though, he was hesitant to do so.

Still, Rosályn wanted to know more about him and everyone else like him.

So, after he visited again, she followed after him as silently as possible with her Weblum and her blanket.

Gotta bring the necessities.

Rosályn's favorite game was hide-and-go-seek, so she had plenty of practice with hiding and being quieter than a mouse.

Once Kolivan's weird ship landed and he was out, she trotted after before the doors shut. She scampered happily over to bigger doors, giggling as they opened up themselves.

Rosályn hummed to her self as she looked around the empty hallways, these ones much different from the ones back in the castle.

This was much better than having to listen to mommy and daddy talk about her baby brother that wasn't even born yet all day.

Much, much better.

Though, the halls were dark. They were different. Too different. They also didn't have that comforting, distant hum the castle had. They weren't bright and none of her aunts or uncles were about to turn a corner and swoop her up. Not even her father or mother was going to be around that next corner.

However, someone else was.

Rosályn gasped and stumbled back, eyes wide as she clutched her Weblum and blanket tighter.

The female paused as she looked down to the toddler, golden and violet eyes curious.

She was tall, but maybe only as tall as uncle Hunk or her daddy. She had long, white hair pulled over her shoulder with red and black streaks running through her thick locks. Her skin was a deep, dark violet, her large ears fluffy and fading to a soft lilac at their tips. Her ears twitched and she tilted her head before crouching in front of Rosályn.

"Hello." She spoke. Her voice was soft and smooth. She smiled gently, making sure to hide the fangs Rosályn was sure were there. Rosályn stared st her. "What is your name? Are you Rosályn?" She asked, holding out her hand. Her dark, black nails were long and sharp, but her palms looked soft.

Rosályn reached forward, placing her little hand in the large hand held out to her. She then nodded to answer the question.

"My name is Aneira." She introduced herself, placing her other hand a top Rosályn's. "It's nice to meet you, little one."


1029 words

Hmm... What will I do with this new character?

Also, I really need someone to draw Rosie for me.

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